May 24, 2008 12:50
Ever since I heard my aunt died, ive been keeping it inside. I haven't expressed any grief of any kind and its been killing me. I deal with the loss of loved ones in what could be the worst way possible... repression. It was fine the first day, but now i can't sleep, i can't smile, i can't think.
I loved my aunt Debbie dearly when i was little. She used to always let me sleep over. She made me tacos and we played Super Nintendo all night. She made the best tacos, they were spicy and amazing. After a while she started having numerous health problems. This caused her to be put on over 20 medications that she had to take daily. I lost my aunt many years ago.
On Wednesday, May 14 at about 9 PM, Debra Miller drowned to death in her bathtub after her pain medication caused her to pass out. She leaves behind a husband, a sister, a daughter, 2 grandchildren, 2 nieces and 2 nephews. I am leaving shortly for her memorial service.
It appears after all this work and progress I have made over the past few years that I am still not the master of my emotions. It drives me crazy. I want so much to be happy, but its so hard to break through all the noise to get to the bottom again.
Time weighs on my like and anchor. It keeps me down, but all i want is to fly away into the sun. Into the ageless sun where there is no such thing as too late.