Nov 03, 2005 15:22
I seem to be consistently inconsistent, I suppose I should apologize to all the readers of this live journal but since I only update it every few months I seriously doubt that anyone does read my generally “inconsistent” ramblings. A lot (everyone please notice a lot is two words not one. I hate to be a grammar Nazi but this is my one pet peeve) of things have been going on in the past few months and honestly I can’t remember them all, if I was smart I’d rant about the negative things because that’s what people like to read, conflict. However I will break from tradition and try to mostly share the positive things that have been happening in my life. First and most importantly we have a new member of my extended family! Recently my sister-in-law Beth took the plunge and got herself married to what I’m finding out more and more is a really great guy. I would say I had my concerns at first because on paper, Jay and I are very different but Jay has proved to be really cool edition to my growing family tree. Way to go Jay and Beth!
On to the more import issues, yep I’m talking about the Fremont Zombie walk! The Saturday before Halloween I got involved in a very surreal experience, it involved me and several hundred strangers and no it was not a group orgy. No, not an orgy in a the conventional sense at least, no this was an orgy of blood and gore, this was everything I have feared since I can remember, and I was right in the middle of it. Around noon last Saturday I donned the make up of a Zombie and by 2:00pm was roaming the streets of Fremont with about 150 to 200 other Zombies scaring people, accosting buses, cars, businesses, and getting lots of smiles. It was a great time, with some great people, and if you get wind of it next year I highly suggest joining in the fun.
Ima cut this short cuz I’ve run out of stuff to rave about, yeah I said rave because on this entry of the live journal I’m not gonna rant! (damnit nm) Well anyways big changes may be coming in the year ahead and whether they do or don’t I know one thing, I don’t think I like the new Dumbledore.