One month ago.....

Oct 10, 2005 23:57

It's been one month and one day since my last post....Against some wise words from some wise people I decided to keep this thing alive and not bury it with my better judgment (reference post on September 9th, 2005. Titled "Untitled...Again"). I will refrain from gushing the details on the past month simply because all of you already know....It's a new post and the middle of a new month so let's get into it.

I've had some spare time recently to participate in some self reflection (a.k.a. being unemployed). With that time I have seen more of the internet that I had ever wanted, drank more water than I believe is healthy, "smazed more smiz" that I care count, jerked off so much that my dick recently told me that he wants some "time-off" (which is a better alternative than seeing other people), cooked and cleaned so much that even Martha Stewart would be impressed, watched more Discovery Channel than I can handle, and listened to damn near ALL of my cd's. I have also peeped some of my dvd's. One of favorite's is "High Fidelity". If you have not seen this movie I suggest you stop reading this right now and run to Best Buy and purchase a copy. No need to Blockbuster it up because you WILL want to buy it. For those of you that have seen the movie you will understand the next portion of this post...

Top Five song's to be played at my funeral
1. Billy Idol- "Dancing with Myself"
2. AC/DC- "Highway to Hell" played in the hearse.
3. Say Anything- " Every man has a Molly"
4. Depeche Mode- "Never let me down again"
5. Netural Milk Hotel- "Two-Headed Boy" just to creep everyone out.

Top Five song's to screw / masturbate to...Glosis Style
1. George Clinton and P-Funk- "Atomic Dog"
2. Hed P.E.- "C.B.C" act like you didn't know that shit would be on here.
3. Head Automatica- "The Razor"
4. Poison- "Nothing but a Good Time"
5. Van Halen- "Running with the Devil"

Top Five moments with Dun (These all deserve some detail. That is if I can remember the details. Let me also say that it was extremely difficult to narrow down five moments. Not to mention that this, my friends, is the tip of the ice berg when it comes to Dun and Glosis.)
1.The "Random Bitch" night- Canada. Glosis. Dun. My "river-rat" buddies. Booze. We end up at some fucking club, late. Last call comes and goes and I think we were all still drinking. Most of the "River-Rat" crew get's the boot from the club and they leave behind my buddy Matt. Gordon, Matt, and myself roam the streets of Windsor looking for my luck. Oh, by the way, I am wearing some bachelorette's tierra. Yeah, that kind of night. Anyway, we end up at some intersection and some "random bitches" come driving by. I yell. They stop. They are ugly, mind you I was drunk, and they were still ugly. We all go back to their place. We drink them out of beer. A HUGE black dude shows up and is touchy-feely with the random that was just touchy-feely with your's truly. We get the other ugly to take us to my car. Turns out we were about a block from my car in the first place. I tell customs everything. EVERYTHING. He laugh's. We go home.
2. Getting drunk at Remax and then delivering Christmas presents to an underprivileged family. Gordon get's naked to Billy Idol for the first time in my car- I don't think this one needs any details.
3. Manchester...."Gimp" night- Dun and I took one of our world famous trips to Manchester to eat at the best pizza place in the whole fucking state. Of course as many times as I have been there, I cannot remember the name of the place. Dun and I, as usual, hit the pipes the whole way there. We are both super stoned. Not just stoned, I want to eat Gram Crackers. I mean, like middle school stoned. EVERYTHING is funny. I am convinced that the waitress knows(I will take it to my grave, that bitch knew.) We start talking about the movie "Pulp Fiction" and Gordon reveals to me a desire to be the "gimp". I don't think we talked about anything else that night. As I type this I am laughing my ass off at the thought of our conversation. To be there at that moment could have been a life changing experience for the kids. They would never do drugs again.
4. Toronto Part's 1 and 2- Although many others took part, it still stand's out as an incredible Dun/Glosis moment.
5.Helping Gordo Move to Ann Arbor- No Booze. No "random bitches". No illegal substances. Just a sober Gordon Wykes, Joel Myers, and On-Demand. Enough said.

The order in which things are listed do not effect their significance. Each item is just as important as the next. I implore you to write your own top five list's. Hell, if you want, post them as a comment via this entry. I would be interested in seeing some top five's. Later Bitches!
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