Dec 03, 2003 18:00
eh like stefan brandow is like the man and stuff, like he should be pro skater and stuff. i love that kid.
lets talk about something, i saw video of police beating a big black man with their night sticks or death, literally because the coroner said he died due to the beating recieved from the police. The video was crazy, I felt sick to my stomach watching it. They beat him for like 5 min straight, didnt try to cuff him, just kept on hitting him, hitting hard. Why do things like this still happen?? It pisses me off that we still experience this kind of shit and that people like the police still have that mentality to use extreme force to subdue somebody, this guy didnt have any weapons or anything. Im scared of police as other people are and were not supposed to be scared, were supposed to trust, in my mind theyre one of the last people i want to trust. Shit is crazy and needs to stop.
blah blah im crying. ehhhhhh
rochester rules bath sucks fuck off.