royal grumble...

May 12, 2004 12:06

E is a pain in my neck these days. she has taken to whining at the slightest thing and it's damn irritating i tell you. she keep chanting arghh arghh arghh then whoo whoo whoo with a fake crying face. she can go on all day and doesn't let up unless i screamed at her to stop it. although i felt really guilty after screaming at her, it's the only trick that worked.

case in point: Li and rambo were trying their darnest to persuade her to go clean-up and change before leaving for my sister's hse last weekend. E started her whiny episode and refused to bulge. i was in the bathroom and when i came out 10mins later, she was still at it! pek cek lah, i just screamed at her "Ra, u better go and change your clothes now!!!!!!" and she scrambled hurriedly to obey me.

she has also grown a pair of very itchy hands. poke her fingers into our soup lah, overturned my cup of orange juice, attempting to switch on the power socket, etc. i also think that we're not feeding her enough, cos she is beginning to taste things like books, wooden blocks, phones, bolster string, my bag, etc. really dunno whether to laugh or cry. so angry with her sometimes but looking at her chubby cute face, what to do?

this weekend, we'll bring her to this event to look at the beautiful giant balloons. i'm sure she'll be thrilled, since balloons are her faves!
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