it's been confirmed: my last day at work will be 28 May. i will be clearing my leave for the mth of June, but i cannot start work at another place cos i'll still be contractually binded to the company during this period. not that i'm looking though. June is Stay-At-Home-Month for me...;)
told Li about my resignation yesterday and that i dun know if i will continue to work or be a SAHM. if i decide to be a SAHM, we will scout around for an employer for her. Li has many good qualities; mature, loving to kiddos, mild-tempered, honest and initiative. it wouldn't do her justice if she kena a mean and nasty employer somewhere else.
if i continue to work though, we will definitely extend her contract with us for another 2 years. she's also happy about the 2 mths break that i proposed to her. our intention is for her to rest fully and spend more time back home before she commit with us for another 2 years. heheh...i just hope i can handle E solo during her absence!
aiyo, eat until like that! mummy going solo soon!
relax lah mummy, papa can help to clean up mah.....