Apr 22, 2003 08:33
Why do we try to make our own meanings out of things when we don't even know when the meanings of we kinda know aren't even solved yet? We have this big book or His word to study and we seem to not want to get the information from there. We usually happen to fall onto something that God is really trying to show us. I mean He's gonna show us either way, but it would be much easier if we just looked there before saying that it's too hard. I seem to fall into this so much. Something becomes so hard and I don't think I can get through it, but God seems to reel me back to His word. He shows me my faults and shows where to go and yet I still don't really get it. That I can do that everytime and that will be the result. I can't believe God puts up with my forgetfulness and my unfaithfulness.
And His grace and mercy on my life is so much more than I deserve. I can't even comprehend how much. I'm just in awe about what God is doing and has done and will do in my life and next true life.
I CAN'T WAIT for that day!