Cross-post to my roommate's journal entry (
Me at the autoshow standing next to a HUGE boat engine (I'm 5'7" if that helps you gauge the height).
The autoshow was massive amounts of fun. If anyone wants to buy me an Audi TT, I'd love you forever!
So I tried taking the
How nerdy are you? quiz, but I can't finish it because this question is driving me nuts:
Which of the following is not a real programming language?
- C++
- Assembly
- I've written programs in BASIC, C++, and Assembly, and I can produce examples of the code if you don't believe they're real languages
- FORTRAN is an old scientific programming language (an abbreviation for FORmula TRANslation)
- COBOL is used in business databases, and in fact they still teach it in one of the CS courses here at BGSU (it's short for COmmon Business Oriented Language)
- Pascal used to be the main language used in teaching the fundamentals of programming (the language was named after Blaise Pascal, inventor of the very first calculator back in 1641). It's still used by several companies, including Lockheed Martin
So let me state again: THEY'RE ALL REAL PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES!!! The only possible "correct" answer could be PASCAL since the author of the question wrote it in all caps, suggesting it's an acronym like COBOL or FORTRAN. In any case, it's a horrible question. And so I left the question unanswered and it wouldn't give me a nerd score. Grr, whatever. Haha, I think I've earned my nerd status by not only arguing that question, but also providing sufficient evidence for my gripe.
Mood: Aggrevated