May 10, 2004 06:39
I took my beloved wife on a sunset dinner cruise last night and I just realized something. I am one of the happiest men I know! Yes, yes, call me sentimental, call me a sap, call me anything you like, but it won't change the fact that I'm truly content.
If there were truly a Mirror of Erised as there is in the Harry Potter series, all I'd see in the mirror is the same thing I saw six years ago when I first married my wife. Even after six years, I'd still see myself standing next to my wife in the Mirror of Erised.
Yes indeed. It's a shame I can tell no one the true desires of my heart in real life (except my wife, but then I tell her that I love her so much the words may no longer carry the same meaning). The guys would laugh at me and call me a henpecked mate or something to that effect if they heard all that I truly think, and believe me, I can think of far worse things to call them! Thank goodness for LiveJournals. Not that many people visit this journal or even care to read the blabberings of a boring average Joe(hey, my name is even Joe, how average is that?) like me, but at least I can tell somebody my day and my opinion of things.
And once again...I'm just a happy man. Sure my legs are a bit tired from all that dancing we did last night, yes folks, my dear wife really burns the floor and I have trouble keeping up with her. But I'm just happy. Just had to tell some one.