The Pluses and Minuses of My Life

Aug 24, 2005 16:45

+ SCHOOL OFF for Thursday and Friday!
- a Tropical Storm/Hurricane tomorrow
+ CSFTY tonight
+ Seeing 40 year old Virgin with my sister tonight
+ Biennial '05 is getting CLOOOOOSSSSER!
- Biennial is still 84 days away :(
- I have a sun burn for the first time in my life
+ Yay...a sunburn...never had one of those before!
+ I don't have to do my loads of homework right now (see first plus)
- My computer is out to kill me
+ I'm watching Ellen Digeneres
- Kutz 1st Acad. '05 ended a month ago :(
+ Kutz '06 is 11 months away...getting closer
+ You know that you love me and want to comment
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