
Aug 13, 2005 12:12

So...I just got back for my TYG's board retreat. That was interesting. I really want CSFTY to go well and I have ton of ideas for programming. Everyone seems really excited about having a good year but I'm just not sure how well we will be able to communicate and work together. I'm not really sure I think this but I do.

School started on Monday...blah. I really wasn't ready to go back. The summer was so much shorter than last and I really could tell the difference. I walked into my first class and really felt that I had been at my school a week ago. I miss being lazy during the summer. Usually, even if I don't want to go back to school, I am at least a teensy bit excited just to see who is in my classes. But this year, I wasn't Because really, I just don't care. It's the same people have been with throughout my four years of high school and while I truly like a lot of people, I really truly know that I never will be that close with the majority of them. Everyone says Senior Year is the best but so far, I completely disagree. High School is just so tiring/frustrating/pointless (<-----choose the negative word you like best). And I haven't even barly started my college applications and already I'm stressed out insanely.

I finally got my 2nd piece of luggage from Kutz. It only took 19 days since I sent it out. It came to my house first but they weren't sure of the price so they schleped it all the way back up to dear ol' Warwick. Finally it is back again but I'm too tired to care about emptying it...its just sheets and planets anyway. It is wrapped inside a lovely box though. A box full of memories of EJ and I poising inside and Bitty simply chilling in it. Damn. I miss Kutz so much. 95 days to Biennial. That seems like forever. HURRY UP!

^ *rereads journal post* Whoa...I am random.I need sleep...again.
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