That's pretty much the Michigan winter weather experience.
A week ago, we had so much snow that offices were closed, people were stranded, everything was on hold.
Christmas Eve, we had some snow/rain, which meant that intersections were flooded.
Today there's a warm front coming from the southwest. Warm air over cold frozen ground and snow equals sporadic fog.
It's actually rather pretty, in the woods. Not so pretty driving however.
Christmas was a great deal of fun. My sister and brother-in-law came to town on Monday, having rearranged their flights due to weather issues here and out east. They stayed with me, which meant, they had my bedroom and I took the couch. (Penalty for my sloth in getting my second bedroom done, although, the couch is actually quite comfortable.) On Christmas Eve we had our parents over for dinner following the early church service, which went very very well. Mom enjoyed the exemption from planning and cooking the meal, and Dad enjoyed sitting in his chair which I have inherited, and I think both of our folks enjoyed seeing the family around one of their kid's tables. Mom's friend's children all seem to have stayed local and so Mom doesn't have the stories that they all have about continually all going over to dinner at each other's houses.
Christmas Day, my sister and brother-in-law and I slept in a bit and then went over to Mom's to help get ready for guests. We were only having my aunt and cousin from St. Clair, but it was still going to be a splendid meal and some exchange of gifts. My sister took over the kitchen and I did all the rest of moving chairs and setting tables. Mom was concerned that we wouldn't do it right, whatever the "it" of the moment was, but all turned out well and we had a good time.
Here's the immediate family:
I'm sitting in front of the tree.