My week in review

Aug 21, 2010 12:17

A few weeks ago, I found out that the core of my employment (three days a week) will almost certainly end this year.  After a bit of self-reflection, I realised that I love working on different projects and don't actually want to do the same thing for five or more days a week.

The big breakthrough came when I realised that I could lead projects, rather than just helping other people with theirs. This is something new for me - I've always shied away from the responsibility, I guess.

As it turns out, lots of other people have heard that I'm going to have more time on my hands, too.  I've had more offers of work in the last three weeks than in the last three years.  Now I have too much work, I think.  This post is about learning how to say "no".

It is also a way for me to start planning my workload.  This week:

Wednesday 18 August 2010
  • Do I want to review the content of the Science and Engineering Faculty web site?  No I don't, so why haven't I written an e-mail to that effect yet?
Thursday 19 August 2010
  • Do I want to help the social media team build themselves into a research centre?  Yes I do.  No idea how to do it yet, but we will get there.
  • Do I want to run a focus group for students studying social media production?  Sure, because it is a one-off gig.  Can't be too hard, right?
  • Do I want to help out on a project about the history of circus in Oz.  Absolutely, if you will tell me a bit more about the gig, please.  Need to follow that up.
Friday 20 August 2010
  • Do I want a botanical garden trust to join my little 'How museums and co. can make money from their digital assets" project.  Sure I do, even though my experience is with art galleries, I'm still learning about museums and gardens are nothing like either.  Diversity is good, right?
OK, so now I'm just avoiding writing quotes and project plans (esp finishing that one about privacy, which is what I really want to work on).  And this has just turned into a skite, anyway.

planning, work, project management

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