What a day for the footy final.

Sep 26, 2009 16:16

Raining here, Hail in Broadmeadows and it stays on the ground.  Cold and wet, seen cars slide and spin as people who are not used to slick roads don't cope.   Got to go out later, not looking forward to driving.  At least I am not at the footy.  Geelong seems to cope a little better than st Kilda with wet and slippery.  Didn't go to the Royal Melbourne show, but friends bought me the Power PC showbag.  lots of data DVDs with demos to fiddle with.  I do like having the Rage repeat on ABC 2 digital.  Not much to say, holidays over, back to work Monday.  Ah well, it is nice without teachers and students for another week.  Got lots of Chuck to watch too.  Anyone else think The Middleman is a sort of simplified Doctor Who for American family audience? (Got an SF reference in there, yay!)
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