From Russia With Love

Mar 22, 2010 13:36

So I went to St. Petersburg for a week to participate in Model UN. This meant that I would be in a simulation of how the UN worked. I found it extremely interesting and a lot of fun. The country that I represented was Lebanon, and I got to the be ambassador. So, I wrote a really cheesy speech that wouldn't cause any trouble and stay out of the line of fire ( for now).

Then I joined a committee called Special Political  which discussed the Palestine- Israel conflict, Iraqi peace and Terrorism. My Resolution on the Palestine- Israel conflict went through to the General Assembly and passed in it, even though it called for the U.S. to stop funding the Israeli army. The U.S. voted against it.

We also got to see the Hermitage, Catherine the Great's Summer Palace and the Yusogonov Palace where Rasputin was murdered. It was really amazing and interesting to see how the Russian Nobility lived and how all the Palaces are now the property of the Gov't making them Museums. Catherine the Great's Summer Palace was taken over during the siege of Leningrad and destroyed by the Nazis, so it has been under constant restoration as most of it was pillaged and ruined.

I loved going to St. Petersburg. It's a strange mix of communism, nobility and modernity.
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