Defis (Challenges) !

Oct 02, 2009 17:01

 So in order to get my NJC Diploma I have to complete something called "Defis". These are challenges to get us out around Switzerland and possibly Europe (if the ones we come up with are viable). So far we've done two.

The first one was to circle a cliff called 'Creux de Van' and there was a total of 28 switchbacks- 14 up and 14 down. In my opinion going up is much better than going down. You don't feel over balanced and if you do fall you fall up not down. Anyways, at the top of this cliff, there was cows, something that was  a cross between a goat and a sheep and a cloud.... Seriously. That's how high up we were. But a good thing was that we got fondue at the end.

The second defi was today, but only 25 of us went because the rest of the school had either gone on a Bike trip in Burgundy or had gone to Alsace. But it was nice. We went on a walking tour around the downtown core, got to see the bear pits and see the Cathedral along with the Federal gov't buildings. Unfortunately, there weren't any bears out because they were in quarantine. The Russian PM and his wife had just donated two cubs and they were stuck inside. (As a side note there aren't any bears in Switzerland and where we ate fondue is where the last ones were killed) Then when we arrived back at Neuch, the building beside the school was on fire, at least it's roof was. On top of that there were two workers stuck on the roof. It was super morbid that there were people taking pictures of them, I didn't take any. 

 click me to see pics of my defis..

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so this is just an example at what happened at fete des vendanges last weekend ....
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