But now I feel changed around and instead of falling down, I'm standing up the morning after.

Oct 05, 2005 22:30

Okay, okay. I decided to update after that really depressing/fucked last entry. I did like that blurt format though. Last week sucked as one can guess from the last entry, but so far this week isn't too shabby(I hope I didn't just jinx it). The two exams on Thursday and Friday with work Wednesday and Friday didn't help my mood at all last week, but this week is more calm. Just one assignment that's only worth 15% Yaaay!
I also got off of work early tonight which feels good for my feet, but bad for my wallet. Then I realize I don't really need the money and twenty minutes more really shouldn't make a difference. Also, I just eat another strawberry jam cookie, fuck those are incredible. I had to fight to not eat more than one tonight. I seriously just want to eat the entire tray of those gooey, red, sugared things. If anyone ever has trouble deciding on cookies I immediatly point out the strawberry jam cookies, but when the tray starts to get empty I start getting tears in my eyes whenever someone wants them. Tonight a guy came in and I recommended the cookies and when he agreed I was like OOOH YEEAH and I think he thought I was hitting on him or something 'cause he ended up giving me a two dollar tip. The kitchen made fun of me the rest of the night. So, a new friend I made last week in class hasn't shown up for the last two classes. That or else he has moved so far away I can't even see him. I must stink.
Another weird thing lately has been how much sleep I've been getting, but how tired I still feel the next day. Like I'm talking nine or ten hours of solid sleep and a relaxing shower and slow morning and I'm yawning in my classes and barely able to pay attention. It's quite frustrating 'cause I really look forward to sleeping in and getting like eleven hours or something, but my body totally wakes up at 9 or 10 now, without warning. I guess that's got to be an annoying complaint for those who work the 8-5 shift. My condolences to you all.
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