Jul 21, 2005 12:33
What a week. I worked Sunday and I've had the rest of the bloody week off. I was looking for a chance to go to Penticton and this really would have been it. If only I didn't have to call in to work on Tuesday and Saturday I would have been gone. I want to swim in those lakes, boil my skin off in that heat, float down that endless channel and hang out with the best of friends.
Instead I've been hanging out with Harry Potter all week. I reread the fifth one and was surprised all over again because I had completely forgotten it. I almost cried in shock and despair when Sirius died for the second time (sorry to anyone who hasn't read it yet) and I hated how depressed Harry was, always getting left out and kept in the dark by Dumbledore. So, now I'm tackling number six, The Half-Blood Prince. It's quite good so far. New twists, new additions, new emotions that the courageous trio (Harry, Hermione, Ron) have to go through. This year seems pretty intense will all the challenging courses and complicated teenage feelings/relationships. It reminds me of high school, but without the magic. Whenever I get really into reading Harry Potter I get so jealous though. I just want to head to Diagon Alley and pick up my wand and books and start casting spells left and right. I think I'd make a good witch. It's depressing to have to rerealize that you can't Apparate out of doing the dishes or send mail by owls and damn that Butterbeer sounds good. Anyways, I'm not done yet and I'm actually trying to not plough through this one. I want to savor the Harry for at least two more days.
I've been spending way too much time in the sun too. I just lay around in the swim suit reading and not realizing that skin cancer is nesting in my skin. Luckily Justine opened my eyes to the possibility of not just reading in the backyard all day. We went to Tim Hortons and then we watched my mom make pita bread. Well, I rolled it all out and got it on the pans, but she continued to watch them rise and swell into pockets with her nose pressed against the glass. Quite funny until they got burnt. It didn't taste too badly when soaked in tzatski or hummus and the tooth breaking crunch was hardly noticeable. Nonetheless, my parents didn't fail to humiliate themselves infront of our guest. I swear they can't act normal with company and have to be ten to be able to socialize. Justine didn't seem to mind. We went to her friend Craig's to swim and so I could be "integrated" as she likes to put it. They were a great bunch of people to hang out with. My eyes burned incredibly though after owning it up in marcopolo. Right after we got out of the pool, Craig notified us that his parents and just put a shitload of chlorine in the pool that day. No wonder the entire world, indoor and outdoor, was hazy/foggy.
So, after yesterday's excitement of being included in a pretty tight group, today is going to seem hella boring. I'll probably will just cuddle up with Harry and wait to see if anyone wants to do anything. I wouldn't mind going to the beach to chill, read and skim since the tides are amazing right now due to Mr. Full Moon, but no one else seems to be too interested or has already gone without telling me. Well, I guess it's time to ask Mr. Sun and his pals UV and Ray to include me in their plot to give the entire world skin cancer. At least I have Harry Potter to numb the pain.