I'm now officially taking my exams in March with everyone else. This was a good decision on my part, as I was discovering how much less I retained from my first year. Couldn't recall much at all, so now I have another 10 weeks to rectify that situation.
Considering that the only classes I'm enrolled in are languages, I shouldn't burn out on reading too badly. At least, I shouldn't burn out on reading so badly that I fail a class. Mostly translations for these two (Old Norse and second semester Latin. Yes, geek.)
I had been so worried about postponing the exams for the wrong reason that I neglected to consider *why* I kept thinking about postponing them. Turns out an objective look at my progress (which had been good) during the time I had been studying (not near long enough) and the amount of material I had left to cover in a week (unbelievably too much) made my decision for me very quickly. I'm not ready, and I wasn't going to be ready in a week. Made the call, sent the emails, so everybody knows and is happy.
Especially me. :)
I did another sensible thing, which was look at how much work I had left and try to sketch out a timeline for completing it. Come to find out, if I proceed at the average rate I've been studying at over the break, I should be able to finish everything just before the new exam date.
Like hell I'd have been ready for that exam Monday. And this realization came to me only after I'd rescheduled, and I was starting to feel the temptation of laziness, of "you still have a couple days before the semester starts... take a break!"
I'd had my break already though -- serious work stopped Friday afternoon, and today (Wednesday) was the first on that I've been able to really concentrate on this stuff. I also started in on the semester today (it's been a year since Latin class, so I have some brushing up to do) and tomorrow I go do paperwork to attempt to owe the FedGovt less money in student loans this semester. I had a good day of organizing things (including cleaning off my desk and getting the half a million German lit paperbacks back on the shelf in some semblance of order.)
So I'm not being the slug I want to be right now, in spite of just working through Christmas break. I'm glad to be getting back to 1) a regular schedule 2) language classes!! 3) being around people generally, instead of just occasionally. I do much better when I have to schedule alone time into my day as opposed to scheduling in social time. I'm no fun if I stay home too much. :-P
Okay, that's officially enough now. It's nearly tomorrow (again... 12-6 were the sleep hours last night) and I'm determined to get back to water aerobics tomorrow. I need the activity, after six weeks of sitting on my butt all day (reading, studying, driving, writing, typing, playing Civ... all paragons of aerobic activity, lemme tell you).