I figured I owe this to my Hetalia nakama.
To start with: I'm 21 years old, American, and live on Eastern Standard Time. I'm asexual and an atheist. Crucial key info.
I love to write stories. I can compose other things just as well, but my very favorite thing is to create characters. I imagine who they are and where they're from, place them in their world, and write down what happens when they meet or know happiness or sadness. Would I do this for a living someday? I don't know. I have trouble coming up with plots to follow, and I get very perfectionistic when I try to write, so I've got a long way to go. The truth is, I wish I were a better artist so that I could draw ideas as well as writing them. Even with practice, however, I hear from every direction that it's impossible to make money that way.
I have three beautiful Egyptian maus who are old and sweet. I live in a beautiful place somewhat removed from the rest of the world, such that traveling to a city or a shopping mall or even a modern movie theater is a big deal. (At the theater here, there's a pause in the middle of every film to switch reels!) Someday I want to live in the city, though, just to be where everything's busy and changing and diverse.
My laptop computer (Ludwig) and my Nintendo DS (Ponyo) are my most important possessions. Being able to access the internet is important to me, living where I do. It reminds me that the world's a lot bigger than the places I can visit by bus.
Right now I work in a chocolate shop. Before you ask, no, it does not require a maid outfit--more like jeans, a T-shirt, a brown apron, and a bandanna. I won't work there forever, but it's a good place for the time being.
I'm pretty much just getting ready for my life to start. Naturally, I have my share of demons that would prevent me from doing so, but so long as I'm alive I'm hopeful.
All right, now to the fun stuff.
I FREAKING LOVE HETALIA. Germany is my favorite character--he's a tough guy, but also totally neurotic. Of course I also have a weakness for America, whose stereotypes are all absolutely true.
I ship GermanyxItaly, Holy RomexChibitalia, USxUK, and AustriaxHungary for the most part, but where there are tons of characters there are tons of ships--PruHun, PruIta, Giripan, SuFin, Spamano, it goes on and on and on~ Also, I ship Gilbird with Tampopo from xxxHoLic; don't you think they'd look great together?
I am also a huge TSUBASA: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE fangirl, even though it's ended and there still a lot about it that I don't get. KuroganexFay is the first ship I ever REALLY got into, and it's the reason some of my older friends call me a fujoshi. XD But man, isn't there some kind of rule against making a manga that epic? Awesome battles, magic, love, journeying, deception, AND LET'S NOT FORGET THE LOVE THAT IS HORITSUBA GAKUEN. 8D Plus, I'm pretty sure the Mokonas are closely related to Flying Mint Bunny. That would explain a lot, don't you think? A bit of me still prays the loose ends in the story will get tied up somehow in another series, but that ain't gonna happen. That just ain't gonna happen.
There are tons more manga I adore...xxxHoLic, Saiyuki, Black Jack, Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service, Phoenix, Pluto, Wish, Chibi-san Date, MW, Bobobo-Bo Bo-Bobo, it goes on and on and on and on. I enjoy the usual Shonen Jump standbys like Yu-Gi-Oh!, Naruto, and Bleach too. I like western comics and prose as well. I could just read the day away if I'm not careful.
What else? I love the Sims games for PC and Pokémon games for DS. (My favorite Pokémon is Altaria, largely because it's so damn cute. Ohh, but I want a Reshiram so badly! I will name it Fay, and when I catch Zekrom it will be Kurogane.) I don't buy that many games because I only have so much money and spare time. OTL But I'll probably buy both Black and White, 'cause you know I need to have Reshiram and Zekrom together.
That's all the important stuff! I love to chatter about all sorts of things and like listening too, so don't hesitate to talk to me here on LJ. If you need help or a beta reader for a fan fiction or short piece, I'm good with editing and feedback too. See you all around, even though we're not staying up late chasing Himaruya-sensei's latest comics anymore, and I hope everyone's having a fantastic new year so far!!