Happy New Year!

Jan 01, 2010 10:52

Wow, I didn't post much this past year at all, did I? It's been pretty busy, though. I had forgotten how much time full time work takes up. Also, I felt a lot of my posts turned into whine-fests this year, and I'm kinda sad to see that. So much good happened this year, too - we bought a house, I celebrated a full year of employment for the first time, well, ever, actually, and another cat, Nimitz, joined us.

We threw a party last night, and it was cool to realize that even with 9 other people here, it didn't feel too crowded!  Heck, they were playing on the wii most of the time. I still want to throw a proper housewarming party, preceded by a house blessing (and probably house Eucharist) from the priest at church.  I also want to start hosting stuff more often in general, maybe start up a stitching group of some sort. Manna & I went to a meetup.com stitching meetup once, and it inspired me to do something a bit closer to home. We'll see. Copious time and all that.

One thing I noticed looking back this year is that I have truly awesome friends. I really feel blessed. So many folks helped us with the move, I'm just overwhelmed. Heck, last night, everyone pitched in and helped clean up the food. It was awesome. I don't know how I ended up being so lucky, but thank you to all of you.

I think this year my overall goal is organization and creating the space I want to live in. We still have a fair bit of unpacking and decluttering to go through. I also want to thin down my electronic clutter - I just don't have a lot of time for it, and don't really care to go on the computer much in the evenings anymore. And my news feed feels like I'm trying to drink from the fire hose. I hope to be able to find a dining set that I love and can afford, we have a living room set on the way, we need to paint the living room, and I have most of the design for the bedroom ready to go as soon as the budget allows it. And, oh yeah, we're thinking it's time for a baby. I don't know how we'll make it work, but everyone else can, so we should be able to do it. It's insanely nervewracking to contemplate, hence my focus on organization - I want to get my routines & my house into a state at which some of it is on autopilot. We'll see. It involves a bigger commitment to actually DO instead of PLAN. And I'm just sick of living with the mess. I don't like it, it causes stress, so time to change it. And it's an easy one to change, I just need to put the time & energy into it.   And, you know, the cleaning frenzy for New Year's will help. :)

It's a new decade, baby! Hang on tight!

new year's post, house, church, work, organizing, children, holidays

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