Computer Contemplations

Oct 13, 2009 16:57

I'm contemplating something that horrifies my husband. I'm considering whether we really need 2 computers (plus the server, plus the laptop, and we each have smartphones and he usually has a smartphone and laptop from work...).  I know, I know, we're geeks. But we're increasingly just not on the computer. We now have a Wii, and Jon's been playing on that a lot. I've been stitching in most of my downtime; I'm finding that I spend enough time on the 'puter at work as it is.

There's also cost and space issues. I'm going to need a new machine (if I buy Dragon Age...), but Jon's machine was just bought in the spring. The laptop was bought then, too, so it's up to date (and possibly more powerful than my computer...). Windows 7 is coming out soon, and new licenses will be expensive. Theoretically, we ought to have 2 sets of any software we buy (not that we do, and we almost never use the same thing at the same time, so passing the CD around isn't a big deal). So there would be a cost savings there.

Also, the two desks take up a big chunk of space. I'm not sure we need both, although if we used the laptop more, we might want a spot to work with it.

One thing to consider is what happens when I have a freelance project, or how to negotiate when one of us gets a new game. I definitely will hog it if I'm working. At the same time, I usually kick Jon out of the room when I'm working, since he tends to make comments on what he's reading or listen to stuff out loud, etc. And, well, heck, one less computer is one less expense that I would need to freelance to pay for.

I did notice that we both sit down at the computer right after work and first thing in the morning, but I know both habits slow me down from doing things I need to do (like, oh, getting my butt out the door). But there are still plenty of times that we both want to be on it at the same time, so I'm still not sure of this idea. On the third hand (yes, I know), plenty of people share a computer. Why shouldn't we? Oh, right, geeks.


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