Oct 23, 2008 07:49
No, this one's kinda funny. :)
So DH brings the mail in and I'm looking at the political spam. We're getting ads for the mayor and a town council member right now. One flyer talks about all the new stuff they're going to build, including a senior center, and how they're going to make the town "green" and "enviornmentally clean". The other talks about how they're cutting taxes and holdinng property taxes down and making government transparent.
So the first is the Democrats and the second is the Republicans, right? Wrong. It's boggling me, but they're both reverse of what the parties usually are. It's the Republicans talking about the environment & building stuff and the Democrats talking about being fiscally conservative. Well, now, I would LOVE to see fiscally conservative Democrats. I need to check these ladies out some more, it looks like. But, I still think it's funny.