One Last Ride

May 14, 2010 21:21

It all ended last night.

I sat outside in the rain to ensure that I would get the best seats possible in front of the Mellon Arena's big screen.

And, around 4:30-5:00, my sister and I had to pee, so we ran across the street to the Marriot. On the way back, we say this little white sportscar sitting at the red light. I could recognize that car anywhere. So my sister and I ran over and tapped on the glass, and the tinted window rolled down revealing EVGEVNI MALKIN. THATS RIGHT, I MET EVGENI MALKIN. He said nothing. He wasn't rude. Just serious/obviously anxious. He signed my rally towel, and my sister's jersey (which is kind of funny because it was a Brooks Orpik jersey and Malkin had a WTF look on his face) and then he rolled his window back up, and sped away.

The rain subsided the minute the game started.

We all know what happened after that.

I don't blame Fleury. I don't blame Sid. I don't blame Geno.

The Hockey Gods just didn't have it in mind for us this year.

The Canadiens and Halak played a good game and I told every Habs fan I saw that while leaving, despite how sad I was.

Although, I will never forget staring at the Mellon Arena with tears in my eyes before leaving. That building had become one of my favorite places on Earth. It served as a second home to hockey fans all over Pittsburgh.

Lady Mellon had her first game with the visiting team being the Canadiens, and she went out with them being the last. In a way, maybe it was meant to happen like this.

Last night I fell asleep while recollecting all of the great memories I had acquired over the past year, thanks to the Stanley Cup win and just the season in general.

- Being attacked by Max Talbot at the parade because of my sign for him
- Having Jordan Staal give me the thumbs-up after I asked him to marry me via sign (such a great guy)
- Malkin flipping me a puck during pre-season (which I wish I could've had autographed by him last night!)
- Risking my marching band section leader title by skipping a football game just so I could attend the pre-season game against the Leafs
- Watching Hossa return to the Mellon after losing out on the cup for a 2nd year, during the Blackhawks vs. Pens game
- Hanging over the railing of the tunnel where the Pens come out of the lockerroom just so I could watch Talbot and Fleury's pre-game ritual live, from 10 feet away
- Having  Danny Potash pick me out of the crowd and have me come and hang out with him for a few minutes because I had a neon pink "DANNY POTASH'S #1 FAN" sign.
- Attending Game 5 in Round One, and sitting through a real triple OT live. And we had awesome seats.
- Seeing Evgeni Malkin at a red light and having him sign my rally towel
- Experiencing Mellon Arena's final game/big screen.

I cherish those memories and so many more. I'll never forget.

So, Pens, you earned yourselves a nice break starting now.
Just make sure you are ready next season, okay?
Because I am feeling something big coming.

R.I.P Mellon Arena: 1961-2010
Elvis has officially left the building.

Off to bed, but until next season....
As always, GO PENS

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