Picspam from chapter 20

Mar 24, 2012 10:33

Bernardo's House.

Well really it is Vincent and Ray-Ray's house, but they have taken a back seat next to Berni.

May as well start on a doozie. Something is going on with some of my NPC wear.

She came back next day looking like herself at least. She really does have a very large mouth.
Berni here chatted up a storm to her... negative chemistry. He only argues with girls he has bolts with.

Angel's House
I hope everyone realized that Ashley and her down the basement was plan B. After all the potions haven't helped him Angel knew the only way to cure Ashley would be to kill and resarect him.

"You want me to do what?!"

No not kill Ashley, watch TV! I needed to have her hold a remote. Of course given no chair and my hack that lets them sit on the floor and sit on the floor is what she did. So I had to tell her to 'work out' and pause it quickly as she flicked the remote.

Angel would much rather sit and read the sport pages than watch TV.

Yes this was her face after killing him! She did that all by herself.

I think she soon realized just what she had done though...

I just don't normaly show these shots. I hated having him die in front of her. They really are a very close couple.

I was a bit late, but they were both heartfarting each other. Bald and fat, she still digs him.

That electric chair is rather dangerous. Even though when you click on it you get two options "sit' and 'electrify' sometimes just walking near it can be hazardless.

"Fricken framming chair!" Not only did it happen once, but twice before I stored it away. Angel was not amused.
Thank goodness for max motives.

The gardener also showed up like this at their house too.
"Ohh >hic, Where are my >hic< clothes?"

But then she turned around and left.
"Must have been some >hic< party. Must drive to >hic< rehab"

The School

Daniel Pleasant loves turning up at film sets.

Rosa for being extreamly shy, gets on with everybody pretty well. Must be all the nice points.
I made a number of new families just for the kids to go to this school. A couple live in houses quite close to Rosa's so maybe some might come home off the bus. Rosa has only gone one day so far as it is summer holidays now. (Summer holiday mod off MTS)

It was mentioned that perhaps Rosa and master Landgraab here (yes I forget his name) might be a couple some day. The thought had crossed my mind. We shall have to see. They both have 10 nice points, so I guess birds of a feather. I think he's fairly cute for a Landgraab child. Wish I had thought to give Mrs Landgraab a hair colour other than black!

His sister Simone is slightly more facial challenged. She has only 3 nice points. It was well spotted that she is the spoiled bully.

Julian Cooke, while not shown is the headmaster of this school too. I also had him adopt a child and hoped for a girl again. Bingo!
I left her in the hair she came in and just grew her up.

Shadey's twins both go to the school as well. (The butler twins)

I did make over Julian again, now he looks more like his old self minus the weird maxis facial hair.

I made three cas teachers. The two ladies and this guy. Yes, you know I can never remember their names, right?

"Children should be seen and not heard!"
Yes I made her with zero nice points.

She picked an argument with the nice Miss Philips straight away.

Lotti's House

Purple and black maternity wear, how very appropriate.

I had her invite Alisa over for the birth.

"Umm, do you want him?"

"Come on Lottie, you're not fooling anyone with the,I don't like babies act."

This townie did this three nights in a row.

I finally deleted him and that seemed to fix it. The joys of apartment living.

Some shots at the Landgraab shop, mostly of simselves and legacy sims.

Hey Angelo, trying to get some screen time?
"Yes, you never play us!"
Hmm sorry about that.... not. Angelo and Berni are clones, but Berni is way more interesting.

Hi Ning!

Esme are you lost?
"yes I can't find the gift cards."

"They are one foot to your right Esme, white stand, red card boxes."
"So they are!" >star<
Thanks for the star. :D
(mailable cards from MTS)

Poor Nicole and darn the BBQ fire!

How mean of the count to laugh. Better watch out Count, simselves have simself powers in my hood.

"Amylu, could I interest you in a TV"
"Why yes"

*Maybe I could get myself a man with one of these*

Run count run! Not from Nicole but from the sun. Although if you tick Nicole off I would run too, she doesn't have many nice points. Foolish man, stood in the check out as the sun came up.

"The service stinks and so do your customers!"

Hai, Lynda, Fuzzy, Danielle and Nicky in the last two shots. Simselves love the Electronic Super Store.

Few odd shots to wrap it up..

I forgot to include this in the last post.
Lol! Yo-Yo seems to like sitting in the toddler booster. This was back before the Lotti's wedding when I was trying to find the right hair.

I forgot this one as well. DS saw her grow up and was sure Luisa was a boy. He was most disapointed when I told him she was most certainly a girl.

I discovered that Amber is quite a trouble maker when uncontrolable on a community lot.
"Well look at him, he dresses like a rag bag and his mother must have been eating turnips her entire pregnancy to get that nose!"

Did anyone notice Joanne's hair and Luigi's got greyer? Joanne's hair was done by Silverbelle1220/Heidi. I forgot to say thanks in the chapter, so thank you, I think it's lovely.

pic spam, sims 2, mobacy

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