rec: fic: Lovestruck [Merlin/Arthur (modern AU) - PG13 - 21k + 3k]

Jan 04, 2010 18:02

So I finally managed to go to bed around midnight yesterday. This could be good news. But I made the mistake of loading fic on my iPod for offline reading. *rolls-eyes* You all know where this is going, right? I spent the next 3h unable to stop reading this absolutely brilliant Merlin/Arthur fic. So much for going to sleep early! *facepalm*

Lovestruck & the sequel First Christmas by social_retard86
[Merlin/Arthur (modern AU) - PG13 - 21k + 3k]

Author's Summary:
Modern London AU. On the day that Arthur swore he'd never take the tube again, he met a student called Merlin.

Why I rec this:
First of all, don't be scared off by this being a modern AU. It isn't a way to disguise B/C RPS, this story wouldn't work with B/C it is definitely Merlin/Arthur in a really well adapted present time London.
If romantic comedies were always like this I'd watch them more often (or at all). I love the dialogues! I really laughed out loud at more than one point, giggling to myself in the darkness of my bedroom. The characters are loveable, entertaining and believable.
We get pining!Merlin and in-denial!Arthur, helpful!Gwen and sexy&suave!Morgana. And then there's the hilarity that is Will. This character is definitely crack in the way he is this uber-straight "ramrod", but oh is he worth reading!
The main point, though, is this cute love story between Arthur and Merlin. The not-really dates, and dates, and the worrying if he likes you. Really heart warming. ^_^
And also: Spot the not so obscure HP reference! ;)

Excerpt - conversation between Merlin and Will:
On Thursday he was a nervous wreck. He’d managed to get every essay in on time, despite mooning about in his underwear for the majority of the day before and then phoning Will and bemoaning the fact that Arthur probably wasn’t even gay.

“Oh come on,” Will said. “If you can’t turn him, no-one can.”

“Didn’t work with you, did it?”

“Yeah but, mate, come on. I’m like a fuckin’ ramrod.” Merlin had snorted at that. “Still, if anyone could’ve turned me, would’ve been you.”

“Really?” Merlin asked in a monotone.

“No, not really, have you seen Johnny Depp?”

“You’re a crap friend, Will.”

“The best. Now put some clothes on, go out somewhere and forget about the twat.”

“How can you tell I’ve got no clothes on?”

“I couldn’t until you just said. Dirty bastard, phoning me in the nude.”

.ch:arthur, .p:merlin/arthur, merlin, *rec:fic, .ch:merlin

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