And then there are those who DO deserve their teeth knocked out...

Feb 28, 2008 16:15

Reposted from Leigh Dragoon's LJ, always a fucker-smashin' treat.

Seriously, people. No one's responsible for the whole world. At least the people helping Rachel are helping someone. If there's a baby with a tumor or a puppy with three legs on your block who you feel needs the help more, START YOUR OWN GODDAMN DRIVE AND GO FUCKING HELP THEM YOURSELF.

Aaaand The Fucking Trolls Show Up
From an Anonymous Poster (of course -- they're always too cowardly to use their real names):

Personally, I'd rather send a donation to a food bank, homeless shelter, or home for battered women and their children. There's no reason a perfectly healthy, able bodied person should be pandering online for charity. Shame on you, Rachel.

You've known about this for 2 years. You couldn't save up something in that time, you're just now getting around to it? Oh, wait, saving might involve, you know, not spending money on ridiculous crap and fueling your over inflated sense of self importance.

There's no freakin way that you need the total sum right now. Work out a payment plan. Tighten your belt and shut off your internet service. Get a job. Ask your family for help.

Before anyone donates to this moron, ask yourself 'who could really use the money?". In most cases, it's the person donating. Not many people have all that much extra cash these days. How about the people who go hungry and sleep in the cold every night who don't have the luxury of posting whiny rants on the net? How about the animal shelter that struggles to budget food for the unfortunate dogs and cats that wind up there? How about the food bank that turns away people because they can't met the demand.

Rachel, you are a selfish, self obsessed pile of crap. It's not other people's job to take care of you. I hope your teeth do fall out. The discussion on national health care is for people who need to be well to work and provide for their families, not petulant little idiots with no concept of personal responsibilty.

Read Rachel's awesome response to this douchebag.

I mean, really, what do you say to an asshat like this? Personally, I find all this troll's moralizing to absolutely reek of bullshit. I'd personally LOVE to see the receipts from all the money and time they've donated to the worthy causes they list.

And boy, they sure have described Rachel's personality to a "t". Yep yep, she is by far the most selfish, lazy person I know. *eyeroll*

I remember how lazy she was when she was pulling all-nighters, while she had the flu, to get her comic in on time for Gurl. I remember how lazy she was last year when she was working on meeting Gurl deadlines while helping her mother dig a French drain into frozen ground.

Yep. That's Rachel. Lazy lazy lazy.

And then there's this douchebag:

My neighbor has a son with cerebral palsy and the boy is in a wheelchair. She needs private home nursing but no agency in the area accepts Medicare so she has to stay home and care for him--which means not working. Our state (Missouri) has undergone drastic health care reforms and because of these, she does not qualify for any coverage. Last time I spoke to her, her teeth were so badly impacted she couldn't even eat and was on a liquid diet. So there's always someone worse off than you.

Well, isn't that great to know?! There's always someone worse off than you! What a way to completely invalidate someone else's suffering! Totally reminds me of the book "Lucky", where the author is horribly horribly raped, and the cops tell her she should consider herself lucky, because the rapist coulda killed her, too! Get up off the ground, you damn crying rape-victim! Quit your sniveling and belly-aching, there's people much worse off than you in Darfur right now!

I fucking hate when people pull out a High Arcana +3 Fake Morality Bullshit Card.

I really don't know what motivates these people, besides a small-minded, mean-spirited desire to have everyone else be as miserable as they are. It's like, their lives suck, but THEY never asked anyone for help, and that somehow puts them on moral high-ground compared to people who have the audacity to ask for help?! Yeah, because asking for help means you're weak and selfish. Whatever.

I'm so angry I could punch a hole in the wall right now.

*stomps off to lunch*

solidarity, assholery, comics

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