Nov 26, 2007 11:39
My recital is officially in T minus 27 hours. I have five rehearsals, two classes, and at least 5 hours in a car between now and then. Josh is not excited. I also have to proof and print professional level scores and copies of each piece for my recital committee. Oh yeah, and fix my Electro-acoustic piece.
I had a meeting with my advising professor this morning and he made a comment that kind of made me smile. He said something to the effect of, " you don't want this piece to seem as though it is an obligation, you want it to be very good and to represent something." The thing is though that it really is an obligation, for the most part I don't believe in Electronic Music as a very good medium. I am however, obligated to have it represented in my portfolio and recital. In a way it begs the question: what will you do to graduate? It looks like I'm going to be giving up an additional two to four hours of my day to make the changes required to appease the professor.
Again, my recital is tomorrow evening. I have rehearsals today and tomorrow, in addition to my regular classes. I have class at 1 pm in the BLA, and then rehearsal in StC at 5, 6, 9, and 10. I plan to correct my scores between rehearsals, as well as attempt to do that damned electric thing.
On a completely unrelated topic, I hate men at present. For some reason it seems that at the major season changes attractive men come out of the wood work. They show up for about two weeks, and then disappear. What's worse is I have no functioning reason to talk to them. And by that I mean I have to way to get in their pants. So boo.
Class is soon.
I'm sleepy.