represnt yo hood represnt yo blockk

May 29, 2005 00:08

havent updated in a million years and im only doing it now cuz i have nothing else to do cuz im grounded. i should be getting wasted right now but its cool cuz 2morrow i am no longer grounded. marianne (my ex-mother) is so stupid. hahaha seriously i dont think anyone could get any more stupid. well alot has happened since i last updated. everything is so much better now =) last weekend was AMAZING! went to eastern to watch the state meet. it was soo cool. jenny toler is spectacular and mel did real good too. and not to mention i got to meet freakin TRAVERS! oh my goshh i luv her. she WON state! i got to shake her hand and we talked a bit. shes real cool. i wanna be just like her and win state senior year. shes my hero. =) and so tracks over. i have nothing to do after school now. finished the season horrible at sectionals but i got 1st in conference so thats good. and i got my goal of 35 feet and 36 feet so thats cool. state this year was kinda just a "if it happens it happens" so its all good i cant wait till next year. last night after i became grounded i still left. marianne is stupid i already established that. went to get my yearbook. and i was going to go out after but i didnt. today i just helped dina with her ipod then went out with her. bought some things for somebody cuz their bday is on this thursday =) wooo and tomorrow i gotta work then hopefully getting wasted because thats how it should be. i cant wait till summer! and rotary fest! yess cept im gonna miss the seniors like SARA COLOMBO =( ohh noo what will i do next year?? haha yea im done

Last cigarette: ehh a month ago by mistake haha nastyy
Last car ride: tonight from the store
Last good cry: 3 weeks ago
Last library book checked out: one million years ago
Last movie seen: shrek 2
Last beverage drank: water
Last food consumed: watermelon
Last crush: uhhh i shall not say blahh

Last phone call: klimczak
Last time showered: hour ago

Last shoes worn: nike shox 
Last cd played: FALL OUT BOY
Last items item bought: birthday presents =)

Last annoyance: marianne and not being able to get crunkk tonight!
Last disappointment: you fucker
Last shirt worn: turkey bowl shirt i found
Last website visited: this one
Last word/s you said: "you're retarded" to my sister
Last song you sang: who? MIKE JONESS
What color socks are you wearing? none
What color of underwear are you wearing? black
What's under your bed? a paper shredder?
What time did you wake up today? 10

Where do you want to go? Bradley
What is your career going to be? sports medicine
Where are you going to live? i really dont know 
How many kids do you want? 2 or 3
What kind of car(s): <3JEEP haha

Current mood: happy
Current music: mike joness!
Current taste: some gum
Current hair: ahh crazy down cuz its drying

Current clothes: red shorts and a track shirt
Current annoyance(s): not being able to go out tonight!
Current desktop picture: real nice beach for summer!
Current book: reading is for squares

Current color of toenails: neutral ha
Current hate: nothing i guess

(X) - you've done
(_) - you haven't done

(X) been drunk
(X) been high
(X) kissed a member of the opposite sex
(X) kissed a member of the same sex
(_) crashed a friend's car
(_) been to Japan
(X) ridden in a taxi
(_) been dumped
(_) been fired or laid off
(X) been in a fist fight
(X) snuck out of my parent's house
(_) ever had a crush on someone of the same sex
(_) ever dated someone of the same sex
(X) had feelings for someone who didnt have them back
(_) been arrested
(X) made out with a stranger
(X) stole something from my job
(_) celebrated new years in times square
(_) gone on a blind date
(X) had a crush on a teacher
(_) celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans
(_) been to Europe
(X) skipped school
(_) cut myself on purpose
(_) been married in crew terms
(_) gotten divorced in crew terms
(_) had children
(_) seen someone die
(_) been to Africa
(X) Punched a friend(jokingly
(_) Been to Canada
(_) Been to Mexico
(X) Been on a plane
(_) Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show
(_) Thrown up in a bar
(_) Purposely set a part of myself on fire
(_) Eaten Sushi
(_) Been Snowboarding
(_) Met someone in person from the internet
(X) Been moshing at a concert
(_) been in an abusive relationship
(_) been pregnant or got someone pregnant
(_) lost a child
(_) gone to college
(_) graduated college
(_) tried killing yourself
(_) taken painkillers
(X) love someone or miss someone right now

Nervous Habits? biting my nails
Are you double jointed? no
Can you roll your tongue? yes
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? yes
Can you blow spit bubble? no
Can you cross your eyes? yes
Tattoos? no
Piercings and where? nope
Do you make your bed daily? no theres no point if you are just gonna sleep in it later

Which shoe goes on first? right ALWAYS
Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? yeaa and kicked one at somebodys head HA
On the average, how much money do you carry in your wallet? prolly like 5 or so
What jewelry do you wear 24/7? none
Favorite piece of clothing? basketball shorts

-- FOOD --
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? i just put it on the fork
Have you ever eaten Spam? sickk no
Favorite ice cream flavor? vanilla
How many cereals in your cabinet? 4 maybe
What's your favorite beverage? water and koolaid
What's your favorite restaurant? bennigans maybe
Do you cook? not really

How often do you brush your teeth? ive cut back to 3 i was crazy before with 6
Hair drying method? air dry and sometimes blow dry
Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair? haha YES bleached it then dyed it blue =)

Do you swear? yes
Do you ever spit? sometimes

Food? chicken and honey nut cherrios
Month? september  through NOVEMBER and july
Day? friday or saturday
Favorite Cartoon Character? cosmo from the fairly odd parents
Shoe Brand? depends
Subject in school? chemistry always =)
Color? blue
Sport? basketballl no doubt and track too
TV show? everwood

-- LA LA LAND --
What's your sleeping position? side
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? yes cuz of my fan
Do you snore? i dont think so
Do you sleepwalk? not that i know of
Do you talk in your sleep? no
Do you sleep with stuffed animals? nope
How about with the light on? nope
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? nope

--MORE ?S--
are you center of attention or a wall flower: i dont know in the middle somewhere
do you attend church: no i wish
do you like being around people: cant stand not being around people
who is your role model: prolly TRAVERS haha
ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you: yess
relationship or a "hookup": depends if im drunk or not uhh haha relationship tho..
do you want to get married: yes
do you want kids: yea
what is your favorite part of your physical appearance: nothing at all haha calves maybe
are you happy with your life: yeah pretty happy
if you could change something in your life right now, what would it be: i duno i wish i would work harder in school to get better grades especially spanish and math but its the end of the year so its okay

Do you do drugs: not on a daily basis ha
What are you most scared of: seriously..the dark!
Where do you want to get married: a nice place
How many messenger buddies do you have on right now: like 50 everyone is out!! where i should also haha
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be: uhm alot yeaa

Given anyone a bath: noo
Smoked: yes
Bungee jumped: no i wish
Broken the law: yes
Made yourself throw-up: sometimes when youre drunk you have to haha
Gone skinny-dipping?: haha yes
Ever been so drunk you blacked out: yess 
Had an imaginary friend: dont think so
Cried during a movie?: yeahh
Had a crush on a teacher: coach k is freakin hot
Ever thought an animated character was hot?: haha i dont think so

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