Just Like A Jones 27/30

Aug 24, 2009 14:43

Just Like A Jones
Chapter: 27/30
Rating: NC-17 for series
Pairing/Characters: Jack/Ianto. Mica. David. Martha. Gwen/Rhys. Lois. Johnny/Rhiannon.
Synopsis: Mica may be a Davies, but sometimes she acts like a Jones. Set 13 years in the future. The world is a very different place, and Torchwood is a world that Jack doesn't want to know, but a promise made a long time ago brings him back to their door whether he likes it or not. Mica is in awe of a past she didn't know and a man she barely remembers, but her passion for his world takes her on a journey she never expected.
Spoilers: Aftermath of COE.
Disclaimer: Not mine, if it was this woul not need to be written.
A/N - Sorry it's been so long. epic fail i know lol. but been having a bad time at work and then GDL gig happened so i couldnt post at the weekend. there was also that horrid open office munching away on my fic thing lol

Thanks. Thanks to everyone who has replied so far XD. As i have said before it was lack of feedbak that made me give up before, but the comment i got for ch8 made me so happy and confident and determined to keep going for this fandom. )

PART 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Ianto Jones rolled over in bed and buried his head into the pillow on the other side. Where he expected to find a warm body there was just a cold empty space with crumpled sheets. He looked at the clock and frowned. It was almost eleven and the stiffness in his neck from staying in the same position most of the night made him wince a little. Ianto swung his legs out of the bed and stood up, then walked over to the bedroom door.

When Ianto opened the door the sunlight flooded in from the living room and he squinted as he walked towards it. His eyes hurt a little less every time he saw the sun; at first the light burnt the back of his eyes and made his head throb, but now a few days on it didn't seem quite so bad. Ianto squinted through the light and wandered around the house looking for Jack, until he finally found him in the kitchen half-dressed and staring blankly at the coffee maker.

Ianto smiled a little as he looked at him; bare feet, no shirt and braces hanging loose over his trousers, bent over with a look of deep concentration.

“It's a coffee maker,” He said slowly, “it makes coffee.”

“I know that.”

“Let me.” He moved Jack out of the way and took over, snapping the filter into place. “I don't know how many years it's going to take you to master it. Fill, swing, click and press. Done.”

“I don't think ever will. Give me any piece of alien tech that nobody else in this world can figure out and I'll solve the mystery, but coffee makers?” He shook his head. “Never.”

“Lucky for you that I'm here then.” Ianto turned around to face him. “It's almost lunchtime, why didn't you wake me?”

“You looked like you needed a little more sleep.”

“I've had plenty sleep.” Ianto stepped towards Jack and wrapped his arms around him. “I was a little disappointed that I was alone though.”

“Well I thought that I would get up and make you some breakfast in bed.”

“And what happened?”

“Distractions.” Jack kissed him softly. “I got to the coffee machine and realised that I am far from domesticated.”

“I don't think I can imagine you being domesticated. It doesn't seem like you.”

“You would think I would have acquired some kind of domestic ability after all this time on my own.”

“Somehow I don't think you're the kin of person that is ever alone.” He wrapped his arms around Jack's neck and pulled him into a kiss. “You always charm someone into looking after you.”

“I'm not good at looking after myself.”

“And you never have to.” Ianto looked around “Where are Mica and David?”

“Mica drove David home. I think she was going to talk to Rhiannon and then she's swinging by Tesco's on her way back for supplies for the last supper.”

“Last supper?” Ianto rose a curious eyebrow.

“She's going home tomorrow,” Jack said, "so she's bringing in a feast for tonight.”

Ianto opened his mouth to speak but closed it again. “So, we're all alone?”


He smiled. “For how long?”

“Not sure.” He pulled Ianto closer. “I thought we could have some brunch, seen as I failed epically at breakfast.”

“I'm not that hungry.” Ianto's fingers played with the hairs on the back of Jack's neck as he gazed at him with dark hungry eyes.

“Funny, you look like you're almost begging for something.”

“You know me so well.” He buried his fingers into his hair and kissed him hard, pulling their lips close.

Jack braced himself against the kitchen counter, then wrapped his arms around him and let his hands spread out over the pertness of his arse. He gripped him, his fingers finding the flesh under his underwear, and stroked his skin, pulling down the material just a little.

“I think food can wait a while.”

“Oh yeah?” Jack grinned.

“Yes.” He took Jack's hand and led him towards the bathroom. “Shower is more important than food.”

“A shower huh?”

“A purposeful shower.”


“Where have you been?” Rhiannon held Mica's hands over the kitchen table and pleaded with her eyes for answers. “Tell me, please.”

“Just away.”

“But where?” She sighed with frustration. “You come home well over a week after you left, without so much of a goodbye I might add, and give me no explanation as to where you've been all this time then expect me just to accept it?” she shook her head. “I don't think so.”

“It's complicated.”

“Just tell me something, anything.”

Mica closed her eyes and sighed, then opened them and looked at her mother. She looked tired and confused, begging her for answers. “I was safe.”

“But where?”

“With Jack.”

“But why?” She was virtually pleading. “And what happened to your arm? Come on love, give me something to go on. Anything!”

“I was shot.”

Rhiannon dropped Mica's hand and her look of concern suddenly gave way to one of anger. “Guns?”

“It's not what you think--”

“The hell it's not. You know how I feel about guns.” She stood up and tarted to pace around the kitchen. “How could you be so stupid Mica?”


“Guns!” Rhiannon leaned against the back of the chair. “David was meant to be the one who got into guns. I always expected it. You were the good one, the sensible one, the one with a brain that functioned properly!” She glared at her. “Did you hurt someone?”

Mica looked down at the table. “I didn't mean to.”

“Oh god.” Rhiannon lumped back down in the chair. “Are the police looking for you? Is that what this is?”

Mica shook her head. “No.”

“Then why are you hiding?”

“I'm not hiding. I'm protecting something. Keeping it safe from harm for a while.”

“Keeping what safe?”

“A person,” he said, “we rescued them, saved them, and now we have to keep them safe for a while.”

“I don't understand.”

“That's how I got shot.” She took her mothers' hand. “I was working, sort of. A mission. I've been doing a little work for Torchwood.”

Rhiannon blinked slowly and glared at her, then moved a little closer with a threatening glare that only a mother could pull off. “Say that again? I don't think I heard you right.”

“Torchwood,” she said, “I've been using their technology to--”

“Excuse me.” Rhiannon withdrew her hand and stood up, then walked out of the room and went upstairs. Mica heard the bedroom door slam shut.


Jack smiled through the warm cascade of the water as he stood with Ianto in the shower; the cubicle was made for one, there was no doubt about that, but if there was one thing Jack Harkness was good at it was making the best out of a cramped situation. It was nothing more than a cube, three walls of slate-grey tiles and one glass sliding door, with a shower head attached to the wall. The tray below his feet was made of plastic with one little draining hole between his feet to carry the soapy water away.

The tiles were cold on his back as he stood pressed against them, arms held at his side by Ianto who's body was almost as close to his front as the tiles were to his back. Ianto restrained his arms against the cold wet tiles, stopping him from touching; this was one shower that he was in charge of. He kissed Jack's collarbone, trailing his lips against his skin, then bit down on his neck just a little; it was just enough to make Jack hiss, but not enough to make him bleed. He moved his kisses up is neck until he settled on Jack's lips and kissed him hard, tasting him with every breath as he pressed his lover even further into the tiles.

He let Jack's arms go and his fingers trailed over the skin on his stomach still holding him against the wall, but Jack made no attempt to escape.

“It's funny.” Jack spoke against Ianto's lips.

Ianto moved his lips away. “What is?”

“We've been in here for a good five minutes and so far there's not been a single drop of soap between us.” He smiled when Ianto kissed his neck. “A purposeful shower, you said.”

“This is purposeful,” Ianto said, “I just never said what the purpose was.”


“Indeed.” He moved away a little and grabbed the plastic container of shower gel that hung over the top of the glass door. “However, if soap is what you want then soap is what you shall get. I aim to please.”

“Oh, I wasn't complaining.”

Ianto filled his palm with soap and hung the container back up, then worked it into a lather by rubbing his hands together. He pressed his soapy hands against Jack's stomach and smiled, then rubbed the soapy suds into his skin, moving his hands south until he reached Jack's cock. He stroked the length, lathering it up with the stroke of his hand then repeated it.

Jack smiled and moaned at the same time, closing his eyes at the sudden contact.

“See,” Ianto whispered, “Purposeful.” He kissed Jack's neck and let his free hand wonder, taking a trail of soap from his stomach to his back, then ran the soap over Jack's arse. “I'm cleaning.”

“I approve.” he kissed Ianto's shoulder and gripped onto his hips as he felt his fingers run over his hole, applying just a little pressure. He gasped a little, then smiled. “I approve very much.”

Ianto kissed him deeply and increased the pressure, inserting a finger; he repeated it a few times, then added a second finger and a third. Jack clung onto him, digging his fingers into Ianto's skin as he pressed back against his fingers.

Jack rested his head against Ianto's shoulder. “I missed this.”

“Me too.” He increased his pace a little. “But I missed something else more.” Ianto withdrew his fingers and turned Jack around, pressing his lovers hands against the cold tiles. He kissed his back, biting down on the skin between his shoulder blades, then wrapped his hand around Jack's cock again. He pressed his erection against Jack's entrance. “I missed this.”

“So we're really going to do this?” Jack felt Ianto's lips a they caressed the back of his neck.


“And you really feel like you're healthy enough to--”

“Fuck you into next week?” Ianto smiled as he kissed Jack's shoulders. “Yes.”

“I'm not sure that I want you to.”

Ianto kissed his other shoulder. “Why not?”

Jack turned around and kissed him, pushing him gently against the glass, then pulled away. “Do you remember when I used to stay the night?” Jack asked. “And in the morning we would get up and hop into the shower together?”


“We would grab a shower, a quick soapy fuck and a bowl of cereal, then head out for work. Remember?”

Ianto gazed at him, clearly confused. “Of course I do. Where is this going?”

“It was something we did all the time. Every time we woke up together. Routine.”


Jack sighed and caressed Ianto's cheek. “Our first time together shouldn't be routine,” he said, “it's worth more than that.”

“I don't get it.”

He kissed him. “I don't want to grab a quick soapy fuck Ianto, not this time. I want something more. I want to lie down with you and kiss you, I want to touch you everywhere and make love.”

Ianto smiled, then tried to hide it. “Make love?”

“Yes. With you.”

“Well I hoped you didn't just mean a random stranger.”

Jack took his hand. “No. With you.”


“Tomorrow, when Mica has gone and it's just you and me.” He kissed him softly. “Alone.”

“I've missed alone.”

Jack took Ianto's hand and wrapped it around his cock, then smiled. “However, feel free to harass me sexually in any other way until then.”


Mica walked into her mothers bedroom. Rhiannon lay on the bed, her head buried into the pillow.

“I know you don't like Torchwood,” she said, “but it's better than it was and I had my reasons.

“What reasons could you possibly have for going there behind my back?” Rhiannon sat up and wiped away her tears. “Do you hate me?” she asked. “Is that what this is?”


“Then why would you do this to me?”

“This isn't about you.” Mica sat beside her. “It's my life.”

“No. This is not just your life!” Rhiannon's anger was lost in her tears. “I'm your mother and you are my life, you and David. Your life is my life and everything I do is for you.”

Mica sighed. “I know that.”

“Torchwood will kill you,” she said, “and what do you think that is going to do to our family?”

“I'm not going to die. I just want to live my own life, make my own mistakes.”

Rhiannon choked out a bitter laugh. “I remember your uncle made mistakes. He died making mistakes.”

“He died trying to save people. He died for his principles.”

“And you would do that too, would you? You would see yourself dead just for the empty honour.”

“It's not about honour. You have to let me live my own life and do what I'm going to do.”

“You've always been so bloody independent.” Rhiannon turned to face her and took her hand. “When you were six I remember you packed up your little pink suitcase and decided you would leave home. You sad that you didn't need me any more.” She smiled a little. “You got to the corner and remembered you weren't meant to go any further, so you sat there until I went out and got you for tea.”

“Would you have wanted me to be needy?” Mica asked. “Would you really want me to be the kind of person who relied on everyone else and followed the crowd instead of doing what I believe is right?”

“Of course not. But, you're too like him. Too independent, too secretive.”

“I'm not secretive.”

“Then tell me why you two are hiding away?” she asked. “Tell me the truth.”

“I told you.”

“Who are you hiding, why do they need hiding, and if you're working for Torchwood why does Gwen Cooper keep calling to ask where you are?”

Mica sighed. “I can't tell you yet.”


“I just can't.” She looked at her watch. “Look, I have to get back.”


“I jut do. I'll be home tomorrow, I promise.” She stood up and walked over to the door. “For good.”

“I hated him sometimes, I really did. I hated that he never told me anything and now I'm starting to ate you for exactly the same reason.”

She walked back to her and sat down. “In a few days I'll tell you everything.”

“Tell me now.”

“I can't.”


“Trust me.” She kissed her mothers' cheek. “You'll understand when I tell you.”

“Then tell me now and I can understand.”

“In a few days. Promise.” She stood up and walked over to the door.



“Tell me you love me and you'll be back.”

She smiled. “I do love you and I Will be back.”


just like a jones

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