Apr 07, 2008 15:02
It's been roughly two months since I posted. My apologies. I went on a (personal use) internet fast for Lent. Meaning I would use it for email and work purposes only. Things like checking LJ and all the websites I normally check... no go. But Lent ended two weeks ago, and I've just been lazy since then.
Anyhow, in regards to my subject: This truly has been that kind of year for me. It started with my cell phone on December 30th... decided (or my drunk brain) decided to let go of it into the toilet. Not one of my finer moments.
January 6th, car officially goes ca-put. Figure the cost of fixing = more than the value of the car, which = i'd rather spend the money on a new car. That new car? Still hasn't happened yet, but I'm really liking the idea of a Mazda 3.
End of January, Power chord to Computer = dead.
March, Computer working slowly.
March 26, Go to dentist (for first time in 5 years). My old cavity filling caused a cavity in neighboring molar, due to bad filling job. And need deep cleaning.
March 29, Reformat Hard Drive.
March 30, Computer reformatted, but not starting properly.
April 1, Find out Credit Score is terrible, due to my old cell company (from 5 YEARS AGO!!!) having tried to bill me one extra month that I was unaware of!
April 4, Another dentist appointment. Bone loss in back molars.
April 5, Computer freezes on Dell screen. Restart. Blue Screen of Death. Restart. Nothing. Restart. Nothing. (Because I've been through this before,) Hard Drive = Shot. Grrrrrrr!!!
Now, I'm not really worried about the money to fix said problems, but that Credit issue is making hard for me to be able to apply for things.
I'm just frustrated.