Well, it looks like I've got no choice but to try my hand at online selling. I've been thinking about my jrock photobooks that I don't look at, and don't really care about anymore (but no way in hell I'm giving up my autographed Versailles book, Moon Child, or Malice Mizer books! -clings-), so I'm selling them. This'll really help me clear out my closet and raise money for a family trip to NYC this summer to see the Harry Potter Exhibition and the new Cirque du Soleil show 8D
If anyone's interested, here's my sales post:
http://community.livejournal.com/garagesalejapan/17059491.html Please buy my crap! I really want it out of here -sobs at too much crap and not enough money-
Oh. I've also got a pair of Funtasma white patent leather Mary Janes for sale over on CosCom:
http://www.cosplay.com/marketplace/showproduct.php/product/42782/cat/18 I'd bought them originally for my Node of Scherzo cosplay, but they were too big (Funtasma doesn't believe in half sizes, apparently). So they've just been collecting dust while I had to buy the next smallest size to fit. Someone take these things.