My transition from my 20's to my 30's wasn't as exciting as it would have been if I had still been living in London. I think that would have almost been the ideal birthday party. Unfortunately I had a pinup in studio on my birthday and a project due for class the day before, causing a time crunch and lack of sleep. But... It was still a great day. Beginning with seeing the sun rise as I was rowing with the Grad Crew, pining up in the main pit at the YSoA, catching a beer with a group of classmates at Rudy's, and ending the day with a nice romantic dinner with Sarah.
I'm currently flying back to America after our studio trip to Beijing. I would say this was an in erodible trip compared to my previous ones to Boston, London or Vienna. For the first time I was going to a new place. And I was finally going to east Asia. The first few days were so incredible with all the starchitecture. From CCTV to the Forbidden City. Steven Holls project ended up blowing me away. Running a up and down the Great Wall made me miss Alexa and the Alps. This was a much more subdued trip than any of the previous ones.... No one really wanted to go out and party every night like last semester... And I was the only one that really wanted to run around seeing things at night. Everyone was kinda boring in that aspect. I'm the oldest on this trip yet I have the most energy.
We had to work in our pairs with three others from Tsingua University. The Chinese team was really really nice yet quiet and didn't contribute much to the conversation. They were super accommodating though and liked showing us around the city. It was interesting being tall and white around Beijing. I got quite a few looks from girls, had one girl tell me twice my eyes were pretty and was even joked about at one point as being a model. Ha. I liked the attention.
I also got official notice that the competition I worked on for most of the summer with PCA in Tokyo was won. I'm pretty excited about that. It will be a good extra note on my resume and portfolio.... But it does also have me thinking of going back a little more now. I could go back for a year.... Make some money... Take my exams... And if I can negotiate it take a few trips to Tokyo. I dunno. It is really scary of what possibilities lie ahead for after graduation. I guess we'll see.
soundtrack to entry: