"seriously Joyce. You may not consider me one of the better friends that you have. that is OK. But all I know is that you are one of the best friends I have. That is the 100% honest truth. I may have been a Jerk to you last year...but I regret it now. I wish I had been nicer...but that is behind us. All I know is that if there was anything you needed, and you asked me, I would do my best. Because you are my friend. I treasure every friendship I have...because I know that I don't come off as the nicest person ever. That doesn't matter. The friends I have, I would hate to ever lose. The friends I have lost in the past - mostly because they became jerks, as in the case of Ben Potts - well I am sorry I lost that friendship, but my attitude is that if I lost him as a friend, he probably wasn't one of my better friends to begin with. Same with all the other friendships I have lost over the years. If I lost that friendship, that means that person was really my friend to begin with, because people don't just stop being friends. That isn't a friendship. That is two people that talk to each other and are nice to each other for a while but then stop being nice to each other and talking.
I am blathering on and on...
but my point is: even if you don't feel the same way, I "like you like you"...I think I always have, since I met you last year, even told I told Ms. Costello I didn't."
mike burke needs to seriously stop texting/posting on my wall/ facebooking messaging me/ sending me creepy bumper stickers.
seriously what make you think we're friends, you're basically retarded.
like come on you send me texts and I don't respond to them, so stop textig me,.
like we're not friends, weirdo. hahah funny, seriously just look at him...