Nov 29, 2004 00:09
Well, where should i even start...
Let's just start with this weekend...for Bonny and I it was good...for everything else it was horrid! She has decided something majorly important....big time muy importante! But I am not going to tell any of you on is just too important...Wel saturday or whatever was Bonny's mom and dads' 25th anniversary, they decided to go away to a cabin....(uuugghh the horrible thought in my head, pardon me whilst i puke)...they told Bonny that she was not allowed at my house while they were gone, but that I was allowed to go to her house....weird though, Harry was allowed to go to Jenn's house??? (yeah then he fucking complained..."when i got grounded from going to Jenn's, that meant that I was also grounded from everyone else's house too, and they couldn't come over here"......WHAT DID HE HAVE TO FUCKING COMPLAIN ABOUT AT LEAST HE WAS GOING TO GET TO GO TO HER HOUSE!!!!....I have nothing against Jenn, I think she is cool, but her boyfriend on the other hand is different, your sister is 17 years old and she is a big girl now....she is your elder, and you need to show her some respect!!!! You still treat her like she was a kid, and that is dumb Harry!!!! I don't appreciate the tone that you took with me, you are still a little boy, and i don't suggest fucking with me again like that, I swear to god you will regret it if you ever speak to me in that tone of voice again...and I really hope you do read this!!!!! You are a smart assed lilttle punk kid who is asking for it...I don't care how cool you think you are with a knife, or how 'invincible' you seem to think you are to pain, I will lay your ass out in half a second if I hear you speak to me or Bonny like that AGAIN, EVER!!! I am just so aggrivated with Lora and Harry, I do believe her parents distrust me....and that is alright, i never expected them to trust me, no one ever had before, but I just don't understand why they try to hinder me from the one I love. I think they are both just having a really hard time letting go of their "little-girl" and it pisses me right off....I like both of your parents, and I have showed nothing but respect to your entire family, and it hurts me to know that they don't want to show any to me in return!!!! You know, come February 23rd, lora, harry, and the two parents are going to be in for a big suprise....and it is going to be oh-so glorious....well, now that I have vented some, let me start out where i left off. Yeah so, I was allowed to go over there which was cool because Bonny had not been doing too well becuase her and Harry had gotten into it about something... so I wanted to go see her....i did and we ended up watching Shrek II. Then tonight all hell broke loose, we were on the futon...and she threw a blanket over my crotch...and she had her hand on my leg...that pissed Lora off big time.....she was all " you need to move the blanet, and you need to watch your hand," that pissed Bonny off, not only did Lora have sex in front of her once, but twice...once in the living room, and once in her apartment... We got outside and Bonny broke out in tears....we got in the car cause i was freeazing cold and then Harry comes outside and shines this bright ass flash light in my face, informing me that "bonny has 4 minutes" and then he did it again a little later, I said , "Harry, i am pretty sure Bonny hasn't come out and put a light in your and Jenn;s face when you were in the car, which he responds with, "for your information, I have never been in Jenn's car, i have been outside it and on it, but not in it"....and then walked away....I got so pissed off, hadn't Bonny been there to hold me back, I would have kicked his ass right then and there....but she did...asshole...well then i got home and Bonny called me bawling her head off in a fight with Lora about hat had happend earlier on the is soo gay....well then her and I talked a little more, and made some huge decisions about our lives sooo tired, ill talk to you guys be continued....