Turkey and timeshifting

Oct 24, 2007 10:41

Donna is coming for Thanksgiving now. An evening with the two of us hearing our cells ringing from the alcoholic father helped cement that. I searched again and finally found that she can take my free southwest ticket if she flies out on Thursday. She's always stressed. I really wished she would have moved up here to escape that. Getting a new phone (or taking my old one) could completely isolate her from dad.

Since August, I've found myself lethargic. Its hard to motivate me to do the last touch ups on the house to list, to play racquetball or ultimate beyond team play. My stomach is never settled (from allergies I think) and i just bang away at whatever video game. Sunset is at 6:07 now. So I am going to try to shift my schedule to correspond to more daylight and break my habits:

1. TV goes off at 10. Daily show will wait till 8AM Or 8PM.
2. Watching network tv for more than 30 minutes means walking to the exercise room and ellipticaling through it. Did that with House last night.
3. Starting climbing with Tracy at 6:30 Am Tuesday & Thursdays next week.
4. Develop a cleaning schedule, stick to it for house upkeep for selling.
6. Develop a fetish for scrunchies.
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