Memory lane

Feb 20, 2013 21:30

Yesterday, I spent a couple of hours reading a class action complaint at work.  It wasn't terribly long, but it mapped out a bunch of entities and charges.  The volume of typos made my brain hurt.  They ranged from misuse of its and it's; variable misspellings of defendants and related entity names; wonky punctuation; and unclosed parenthetical statements.  Even worse, this was an amended complaint; when I compared it to the original, most of the typos were unchanged, so they were missed in two iterations.

After I finished reading, I wondered what, if anything, the trial judge handling this case may have thought or said to plaintiff's counsel about the complaint.  Because the judge I clerked for one summer back in the wayback days would surely have made pointed comments about declining grammar standards and readability.  He was a stickler for proper everything.

And today, out of the blue, Mom emailed to ask if I remembered him.  He died last week, long after retiring and a productive life on and off the bench.  Odd coincidence.


This winter I've been wearing an older coat I found as I cleaned out my closet.  It's maybe 10 years old, rain resistant rather than waterproof and with a zipper liner.  I was aware there's a tag sewn into one pocket, but I thought it was a care/cleaning instructions tag.  Nope.  The way it was draped over the chair this evening exposed the tag.  It reads, "Life is a journey.  Stay warm. Keep dry."  Seeing it was like finding a fortune cookie.

apropos of nothing, oh life it's bigger

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