Apr 18, 2005 14:10
Wow, I found this quote online today that totally says everything I feel about my beliefs.
"…it dawned on me that a universe without deities was simpler and more internally consistent. The beauty and simplicity with which atheism, materialism (on the mind/body question), moral relativism, and other philosophical ideas all just fell into place has eliminated any doubt that I could be mistaken. I didn't realize until then how much cognitive dissonance the little logical inconsistencies in my previous beliefs had created. It is really wonderful for that to be gone. Atheism has given me more inner peace than religion ever could have."
-- David Nye
Yep! That's what I think. Lol. Having been raised in a semi-religious home, i have plenty of experience with religion. Now that I am totally unassociated with it in my personal life, I feel so much better. I am so much more at peace and able to just enjoy my life than I was when religion ruled my daily conduct and thoughts. Now that I can step back and see religion from an outsider's standpoint, I can't believe that so many people have it so central to their lives. I couldn't and will not ever return. I like being free of guilt, I like not worrying about my very thoughts offending some immaterial deity, I like being able to just enjoy my life. Though I love studying religion and its origins, researching and connecting religious stories (a la matrix), and generally understanding how it evolves (or doesn't...ahem...Catholic Church...Ahem) with the times, I would never want it to integrate itself into my life again.
With my mind, which depends on proof and evidence to be able to believe something, religion is not compatible for me. I need, as a scientist at heart, some material proof. I can't go on faith. Doesn't work for me. Plus, the laws of science point to no creator. There are explanations for every occurence in nature and in the universe, and those are what I seek, not intangible explanations such as "God Created it, now don't question it." That sounds way too Orwellian for me. (Yet another way 1984 applies :) )
Of course I have no problem with other people believing what they want. I am not anti-establishment and am definitely not a judging person. I think it's fine to be able to believe what you want and follow whatever church you feel is right for you. In fact, church is a great social organization, if not a moral structure. For me, however, I believe in the church of carpe diem. I believe in me and a select group of others. I think we need to live this life as well as we can, for if there is not another after this, at least we had a good time.
"Religion is based, I think, primarily and mainly upon fear. It is partly the terror of the unknown and partly, as I have said, the wish to feel that you have a kind of elder brother who will stand by you in all your troubles and disputes." - Bertrand Russel
I agree here too. I have nothing to fear. It may be that age for me, where I am invincible, but I really have no real fears (other than giant laser-shooting robots), therefore religion offers me no comfort. I truly have no idea why I wrote about this today, but I am pleased with the result. Carpe Diem!