things that are missed

Nov 02, 2011 19:34

The more I thought about this, the more it sounded like a subject for the upper tier of the $100,000 Pyramid. As I typed that, I realize just how badly I miss that show, especially the Dick Clark version. I never saw the original run, but I saw it rerun on the USA and Game Show networks later on. The Donny Osmond version was forgettable, as the sound effects were too modern, and the celebrities had too much of the fun. Anyway, I'll try to think of ten things that would be missed:

1. Anyone who has had an influence on me who isn't around me anymore. Unlike #'s 2-10, these are expected to be missed even before they are gone.

2. The bingo in EGHINST. That's just to get back at a frequent "misunderstander" of some of my status updates.

3. Looney Tunes. There were some of these cartoons that I literally saw over a thousand times, and I only got a little tired of them by the time they were no longer on TV. Watching them on DVD or youtube just isn't the same.

4. A Sandy Koufax curveball. It's been even harder to hit since he retired.

5. Nintendo Power. This was easily my favorite mail until #6.

6. Cross-tables from the NSA. Waiting two weeks to find out my new rating was like waiting two weeks for the Super Bowl. That's about as accurate as an analogy can get.

7. Baseball. However, the MLB network is providing adequate off-season entertainment so far.

8. A combination of light rain and fog. That pun hasn't improved since posting on facebook, but at least it's been documented here.

9. Word judges. Despite the occasional misadjudication, I always preferred receiving the verdict while seated. I also miss the verbal challenges. I started studying them the same way Mark Grant studied umpire calls. That was a rare thing to do back in the late 80s.

10. Having my own garage and dishwasher. I'll probably get the latter early next year, unless someone extremely generous feels like giving me one for Christmas.

That was fun. Interested in any others you can think of.
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