Forfeit, Chp. 11

Sep 14, 2010 17:57

Title:  Forfeit
Author:  JlynCSS
Pairings:  Richard/Kahlan
Rating:  PG

An older fic of mine from FFN that I'm finally posting to LJ.

Summary:  After Kahlan's memory is altered by Sister's of the Dark, she believes the Seeker is her enemy.

This story is a continuation of my series that started with The Guardian and picks up where Call of the Underworld left off.

Chapter 11

A cold shiver ran through Richard's blood as he came around the bed, standing behind Kahlan. "What does she mean 'consider her request'? She wants you to join her order?"

Kahlan kept her back to him, staring at the door. Even with the darkness she couldn't face him. They both knew the Sister's were against Lord Rahl. If she joined the Order, she would clearly be pitting herself against him. "Yes. Sister Villica died in battle…she needs help. She's asked me to join the Sister's in the fight to keep the Midlands free." She could feel his eyes on her back, still she didn't turn.

He struggled to keep his voice calm. "Keep them free -- from me. You'd be fighting against me, Kahlan." His tone grew softer, "You don't really believe I'm like my brother…I know you don't, not after…"

She spun around face him. Only a faint sliver of light from the oil lamp lit his features but she saw the hurt in his eyes. "I don't know what to think!" The passion in her voice underscored the war being waged inside her. She didn't fully trust Sister Alessandra, but she needed to be sure her feelings for him weren't blinding her to his motives. "I feel a need to protect the people of the Midlands. I want to help them against anyone who would enslave them. Maybe I can be of more help by becoming a Sister."

He wished he could tell her who she was - that as Mother Confessor she did more than anyone to bring peace and justice to the people of the Midlands fighting to keep them free from tyranny. He didn't know how much he could say about Alessandra without interfering with the magical spell. His voice was rough, "Kahlan, you can't agree to it. There are many ways you can help the Midlands - but joining with Alessandra isn't one of them. She's not on your side."

Kahlan didn't understand the strong pull she felt for the people. Of course she wanted them to remain free, but this seemed much deeper - stronger. Nearly as strong as the pull she felt to Lord Rahl. She let out a deep breath. She no longer believed he had evil in his heart. She'd seen his true nature. She tried to find a solution, "Perhaps I could speak to her on your behalf, she could get to know you, as I have - you don't have to remain enemies."

Richard knew there was no chance of that. He had to put an end to this. If Kahlan willingly joined the Sister's, even because of some magical spell, the Keeper would have his claws in her…a direct connection to her soul. He shivered with the thought. He didn't know if, or even how, he could undo it. Sister Alessandra had to be stopped. Now.

Rather than argue the point he smiled as if considering her words. "It's late," he nodded toward the bed, "why don't you get some sleep."

Kahlan was glad to see he would at least think about it. She sat down on the covers, her cheeks flush with the memory of what had just taken place there. He had declined her invitation to her bed and she was more than a little embarrassed now at how forward that invitation had been. She knew decidedly he was nothing like his brother at all. "What about you?"

"I'm not leaving you. I'll be right here." He slid his back down the door and sat on the floor leaning against it. He didn't want anyone coming in without him knowing. He rested his head against the hard wood behind him, his eyes finding hers.

It seemed an eternity that they sat holding each other's gaze. At last Kahlan stood. "You're a rare person Richard Rahl." She walked over and sat down next to him leaning her back against the door as well.

He turned his head to look at her and offered a smile, "Then we make a good pair."

She looked up at him from behind a shy smile with beautiful blue eyes only for him. For a moment she was his Kahlan again and things were as they had been before magic had taken her away from him. They sat in the dim light of the lamp listening to each other breathe. When Kahlan at last lost the battle to stay awake she rested her head on his shoulder. "I love you Kahlan" he whispered to the darkness.


Sister Alessandra had just finished writing at the small desk in her room and was neatly folding the thin parchment. At first light, she would return to the pyre that burned not too far from here. It wouldn't matter if Kahlan accepted her offer or not, soon she would believe she was a devoted Sister of the Dark and her own most trusted ally. Before they left to rescue Greer, they would renew their covenant, officially enfolding Kahlan into the Order. She would be bound to the Keeper, forever.


As Kahlan leaned against him in the soft embrace of sleep, Richard plotted his next move. He knew killing Alessandra wouldn't be enough to lift the magic - but it would keep Kahlan from joining the Order. He replayed their conversation of earlier that night, remembering all they had talked about regarding the books of the Keep. Something Kahlan had said pulled at his memory. "Who knows what else you might learn from the books." There was more to learn, more that could be accomplished, of that he was sure.

He didn't want to disturb her slumber, he was enjoying her warmth against him. But he wanted to end this nightmare. First light was only a few hours away...the time had come. Gently he carried her to the bed. As he was laying her down she roused and mumbled, "Stay with me." She was barely awake.

He pulled a blanket over her, "Shhh…sleep, now. I'll be back before you know it."


Richard rested a hand on the door of Alessandra's room. Slipping free the knife from his belt he quietly stepped inside. He was in complete darkness, not even the moon provided a hint of light. He could just barely make out the darker shadow of the bed and stealthily made his way toward it. He would slit her throat as she slept, before she had a chance to use her magic against him. In one swift motion he held her head to the pillow with one hand, slicing her throat with the other. She'd barely made a sound, just a sudden gasp as life left her. Richard stood over her in the darkness, knowing her warm blood seeped out of her.

In an instant, every lamp in the room was ablaze, illuminating the horror of what he had just done. This was not Alessandra that lay in a pool of blood. This was a woman he didn't recognize. Knowing all too well who had lit the lamps, Richard whirled around to see Sister Alessandra standing across from him and very much alive. "You underestimate me, Seeker."

Without hesitation he flipped up his knife. As he readied the throw, blue lightening burst forth from her hands flinging the weapon through the air and hurtling Richard across the room, dropping him to the ground on the far side of the bed. Richard writhed in pain on the floor as he tried to push himself up. She took a step closer to him. "You can die knowing she'll be one of us and that in the end, The Keeper will have her." As she raised her hands to send forth a deadly rain of magic Kahlan burst through the door, daggers drawn, lunging for Alessandra. Kahlan plunged her deadly weapons into the Sister taking her down to the ground with the force of her attack. It was enough to shift the spray of lightening she'd unleashed away from Richard. The bed took the full force of her magic and burst into flames. Richard scrambled to retrieve his knife and jumped back from the flames. The center of the room was now fully engulfed separating him from Kahlan. He attempted to rush through but the heat of it pushed him back. He stood helpless as men flooded the room pulling Kahlan off of Alessandra. They were too late. The Sister was dead. Seeing that Kahlan had murdered the woman who had led them in battle they seized her. "You'll pay for this!" one of them shouted. Kahlan struggled violently to free herself but there were too many. They held her arms and legs, lifting her clear off the ground. "Prepare the gallows! She meets the Keeper at sunrise!"

Kahlan tried to quell the fear rising up inside her, looking for help from Richard. All she saw was flames.


Zedd couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that plagued him and finally woke the Mord-Sith. "Cara, I'm concerned for Richard. I think we should go into town and make sure he's alright.

"But he wanted us to stay here until you managed to put out the flames." She didn't like the idea of going against Richard's orders.

He threw up his hands in exasperation, "I've tried everything I can think of and nothing is working. It won't matter if I stay here for a month, my magic can't undo the power of the Underworld."

"Alright, we'll go. But be sure to tell him this was your idea wizard."


forfeit, the guardian series

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