Forfeit, Chp. 10

Sep 14, 2010 17:55

Title:  Forfeit
Author:  JlynCSS
Pairings:  Richard/Kahlan
Rating:  PG

An older fic of mine from FFN that I'm finally posting to LJ.

Summary:  After Kahlan's memory is altered by Sister's of the Dark, she believes the Seeker is her enemy.

This story is a continuation of my series that started with The Guardian and picks up where Call of the Underworld left off.

Chapter 10

Sister Alessandra had devised a plan and assured Kahlan they would rescue Greer within a few days' time. But as Kahlan made her way back to her room the unsettling suspicion lingered. Something about the Sister didn't feel right. Trying to shake her uneasiness, Kahlan allowed her thoughts to drift to Lord Rahl, only to be filled once more with that familiar sense of loneliness.

Kahlan wondered what in the world was wrong with her. She was betrothed to an honest man - one who fought by her side to keep the Midlands free. Yet, here she was thinking of Lord Rahl - the very one who would take that freedom. Even if he wasn't the evil tyrant she once thought he was, he was still a Rahl, the leader of D'Hara.

Yet, she couldn't help but remember the softness in his eyes whenever he looked at her. He had been nothing but kind to her. Even if she cast aside the belief he was an oppressor, she was still promised to another. Greer was a good man. Certainly she could do much worse. Many women grew to love their husbands only after they were married. The sooner they rescued him, the sooner they could marry and she could put Lord Richard Rahl out of her mind.

At least by being back in Glenmore she was far away from him. She wouldn't have to fear his kind words or gentle touch tempting her heart. The darkness of night seemed to overwhelm her and she welcomed it, looking forward to the isolation of her room. At last she stepped inside closing the door behind her, leaning back against it. She was thankful for the blackness - she wished she could hide in it forever. Blindly she made her way for the small table that held the matchsticks. Feeling around she picked up one of the long sticks and walked to where she knew the oil lamp was mounted. It was set high on the wall and she had to stand on tip toe. She reached up striking the match against the stone wall and lit the wick. A soft glow flickered as the lamp caught flame. When she settled back onto her feet she was looking right into the familiar brown eyes of Lord Rahl. She gasped, taking a small step back in surprise.

He was standing under the oil lamp his back against the wall. An uncertain look came across his face. "Surprised to see me?" The softness of his voice was soothing to her ears, stirring a warmth within her.

The room around them cloaked in complete darkness, they stood in the soft glow of light cast from the single lamp above. Kahlan's heart pounded in her chest. She couldn't imagine what he was doing here. She saw the cut on his lip, a bit of blood still oozing there. "You're hurt." She reached out to wipe away the blood but he caught her wrist.

"It's nothing." He was relieved to see she was safe, at least for the moment, and he was using every bit of his strength to keep from pulling her to him. Her gentle touch would surly break that tenuous hold. His voice was quiet, his eyes questioning hers, "I told you I was protecting you. Why did you run away?"

She couldn't tell him the real reason she'd left: That his touch was like the warm sun on her skin; that in his arms her loneliness had disappeared. That being so near to him terrified her. "You were holding me prisoner. You still hold Greer. Please, will you set him free?"

"It's safer for him where he is - just as it was for you."

Kahlan finally asked the question on her mind, "What are you doing here?"

Richard's expression softened. "I came for you."

Kahlan felt the fear rising in her chest. Being this close to him was already wrecking havoc on her senses. "I won't go with you."

"I can't let you stay here. It's not safe."

Kahlan tried to take a step back but he still held her wrist. "It may not be safe for you, but it's perfectly safe for me. I'm not going with you, so unless you plan on carrying me out…"

Richard was tempted. That's how desperate he was to get her out of there. If he thought he could go unnoticed through the city with her flung over his shoulders he would do it. So far, no one knew he was here, at least no one who knew him as Lord Rahl. He weighed his options. He could drag her with him, fighting the entire way or he could hide out here and stay close to her until he found a way to change her mind, maybe even reverse the spell. He let out an exasperated breath. She was determined to fight him, that much he knew.

Kahlan could tell by his eyes she'd won. At least for now. She broached a new subject. "Why does Sister Alessandra want the books of the Keep so badly?"

Her question surprised him. He could only guess as to what the Sister wanted though he was sure it wasn't for anything good. He told her some of what he could about the books, the magic secrets they held, like the language of the Nightwisps and what he learned from the Book of Life about the pendant he now wore. He couldn't tell her she already knew all of this before magic had been used to alter her memories. Instead, he explained that the pendant kept the magic of the Keeper's mark on his chest from draining the life from him. That without the pendant a little of his life would bleed from him each day, as it had, unknowingly, these past few months. Had the compass not led him to the pendant, Richard would have soon died.

She felt a sudden ache at the thought of him dying. She reached out, lightly resting her fingers on the inky black pendant that now hung around his neck. "So without this, you'll die?"

He felt her hand, warm and gentle on his chest. "Eventually. It would take some time."

She knew if Alessandra got her hands on those books, Richard would never have them. The secrets he was learning would be lost to him forever. She looked up into his eyes, "Who knows what else you might learn from the books?"

Her fingers moved from the pendant to the cut on his mouth. This time he didn't stop her. She tenderly touched the gash with her fingertips and moved to lightly caress his face. What was it about this man that made her want him so? His back against the wall, he kept his eyes on hers, swallowing past the lump in his throat. She leaned in, tenderly taking his wounded lip with hers. Kahlan could taste the blood on her tongue. Richard didn't move, didn't even breathe, as she pressed against him. She held tight to the back of his neck, her lips pulling on his; softly, slowly, persistently tempting his mouth to respond. She felt a gentle hand slip around her waist coming to rest on the small of her back. Still his mouth resisted.

Kahlan slid the tip of her tongue across his lips enticing him to give in to her at last. Richard could resist no longer. He at last responded and the fire between them erupted; their kisses at once hungry and urgent; Richard, wanting what he had so missed; Kahlan, experiencing desire like she had never known.

Consumed by the intensity of his passion, Kahlan tugged at his collar, pulling him to the bed as they kissed. Richard knew he had to stop, but the taste of her was making him lose all sense of control.

When they fell to the bed she took hold of his hands bringing them to her breasts. Richard moaned against her mouth with the pleasure of feeling her once more. Kahlan kissed him with desperate, gasping breaths. She quickly pulled at the laces of her dress, wanting to have his hands on her skin. She longed to know the full measure of his passion. She didn't know if she'd ever have the chance again, whatever life awaited her with Greer, she wanted to be with this man before her now.

Breathless, she whispered into his ear, "Make love to me, Richard."

He moaned with the very idea of having her again and gripped tighter to her breasts, rolling her under him. He left hot, panting kisses along her neck, diving headlong into wherever she would take him. In a sudden rush, he came to his senses. Tearing himself from her lips, he forced himself back. "Kahlan, you have no idea how much I want to, but not now. Not like this."

She wasn't listening. Trying to convince him, she pulled at his shirt, running her hands over his chest. She leaned up, pressing her lips to his.

He stopped her. "Kahlan, I want to get you out of here. Let me bring you back to Aydindril."

She wasn't interested in any of that right now. She had only one thing on her mind. Panting with desire, she stretched up to kiss him again, her hands pulling at his belt, "I've told you I won't go."

Richard pushed himself off the bed, one more instant and he would give into her. As much as he wanted to be with her, he wouldn't allow it. Not while she was under the spell of magic.

He tried again, "Kahlan, you said you believed me. Let me protect you. Come with me."

"And just wh-"

A knock on the door silenced her.

Eyes wide, they held each other's gaze. Quietly, Richard made his way around to the far side of the bed and got down low. As long as they stayed at the door, he wouldn't be seen.

Kahlan opened the door to see Sister Alessandra standing before her. She held the door wide so as not to appear to be hiding anything, but stood to block her from entering. Alessandra's eyes took in the state of her dress then darted about looking past her, ensuring she was alone.

Kahlan pulled at her laces, tightening her bodice. "I was getting ready for bed."

Alessandra's expression remained cool. "I hope you'll consider my request, Kahlan. Offering someone the chance to become a Sister of the Order is not something that is done lightly." Her smile dripped with insincerity. "My room is just two doors down if you need anything. We leave tomorrow. You'll have your Greer back in no time."


forfeit, the guardian series

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