surreal botany namechecks

Nov 17, 2008 21:13

A couple of Surreal Botany mentions today...

From The Book of Shadow, "A Tchotchke to Remember the Smell of Whimsy"; the reference to the book title is not quite accurate, but it's close enough:

Whimsical literature comprises passing fables, tales, fancies. It is haunting, magical, lyrical, quietly beautiful, kitsch, funny and sad and full of fantastical creatures in Raymond Carver-ish yet surreal worlds. It is Karen Russel's St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves inhabited by strange, eccentric, precocious child narrators: fragile, vulnerable, edgy, old-fashioned youth. It is the love of beauty of things, words, stories for their own sake. It is without agenda, without political motive. It is without objective meaning. It is open-ended, arbitrary. It is the simulacra of eclectic bookart (see, eg. BibliOdyssey) in Illustrated Field Guide to Surreal Botany.

And from the BooksActually mailing list (which is a lovely e-artefact in itself), "Oh, what has changed":

Surreal Botany
original watercolour paintings
as seen in the book, A Field Guide to Surreal Botany (Two Cranes Press)
by Janet Chui
prices available upon request

I am also incredibly gratified to note that when you google "surreal botany", you get ten uninterrupted pages of links to or about the book, and the very first link is to our website. Sweet.

surreal botany, publishing

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