Oct 09, 2006 00:29
I'm really tired. Tired of everything really. Tired of work, tired of being lazy, tired of eating, tired of sleeping, tired of worrying, tired of trying to win people over, tired of being tired. I'm so sick of everything right now and I just want everything to be right. My dad goes in early tomorrow morning for his biopsy so I've got my fingers cross and I"m saying my prayers. I'm gonna try to go to someone at USF and talk to a counselor or SOMEONE about my situation. I just don't know what to do or how to explain myself. I'm already not in good academic standing...
sososososososososos tired of work. I just want to win the lottery and retire already....is that so much to ask????? Faxed my applcation in to AnchorBlue today..really hope I get a call back. I'd like to start at a brand new store again..fun stuff.
I'm staying at my parents house tonight so that I can take Matt to school in the morning since my parents have to go to the hospital so early for surgery...
so tired...