How Things Began (18/23)

Feb 18, 2010 10:23

Title: How Things Began (18/23)
Rating: M
Author: jlrpuck
Pairing: Ruby Quarles, Elias McCoy
Disclaimer: The characters contained in this story are the products of my imagination; as such, I retain all right to and ownership of them.
Summary: Welcome to the story of how Elias McCoy and Ruby Quarles met, and grew to became the characters we know.
Notes: Sorry for the tardiness-I’m in the Pacific time zone today. We now return to our regularly scheduled programme.

Thank you to
ginamak for acting as a sympathetic listener and excellent sounding board as I frantically penned this tale (and for enabling my Elias McCoy love), and for providing the first crack at beta of it when it was done. Huge thanks, as well, to
earlgreytea68 and
chicklet73 for their beta work, especially given how utterly insane their lives have been these past months.

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18

Snow started falling as they ate lunch, fat lazy flakes drifting quietly down to coat the already-white earth, obscuring the tops of the mountains around them. The large windows in the room provided a lovely view of it all, right down to the still, silvery waters of Loch Awe. Elias watched as Ruby walked over to look out as he finished his meal, her head turning as she looked first at the mountains, then the water, her eyes flickering between the variety of flora and topography. She’d dressed casually that morning, loose jeans and a heavy jumper, her hair pulled back into a loose knot, not a bit of makeup. It was a marked contrast from the day before, when she’d been resplendent in the simple white dress, her hair artfully arranged below her veil, her makeup done perfectly. He’d enjoyed how she had looked the day before, but he absolutely loved how she looked at that moment, Ruby just being Ruby.

He took a drink of his water, wiped his mouth as he set the glass down, and stood to join her by the window.

“Guess we won’t be going out this afternoon,” she observed, her arm sliding around his waist as he stopped next to her.

“Not unless we find some Wellies.”

“Place like this, I bet that can be arranged.”

“Do you want to go out?”

“I’d far prefer to stay in.” She leaned up into him, her hand reaching behind his neck to pull him down for a kiss.

“I’ll nae argue with that,” he murmured, his lips moving to kiss her jaw as he shifted to fully face her. Once standing before her, he resumed kissing her properly, his mouth working gently against hers as he savoured the taste of her.

Ruby slid her hands over his shoulders, across his ribs, around his back; he finally ended up cupping her jaw with both of his hands, encouraging her to return his kiss even as he guided her to tilt her head just a bit more, or to press more fully into him. As he grew hard against her, her hands moved again, this time finding their way under his jumper, pulling his shirt free before sliding against his bare skin. Her palms were cold and he gasped at the sensation. She stepped away, her hands slipping from his waist, earning a sound of protest from him; she, smiling, reached down and pulled her jumper off, gently kicking her shoes off in the process. She then reached forward, tugging upwards at his hem, finally removing his jumper and the shirt beneath it, exposing his torso to the relatively brisk air.

Her eyes lit with delight as she watched his body react, his nipples hardening, goose bumps prickling across his skin. She reached out, her fingers ghosting up his arm, across his pecs, gently circling around the pebbled flesh before drifting down his sternum. Her other hand joined it, then, both of them sliding across his stomach to the waist of his jeans. She glanced up at him with hooded eyes as she unfastened the denim, slowly dragging the zip down-and then she frustratingly stepped back once, twice, a third time, her hands sliding to her own waist.

“Come to bed, Elias,” she whispered, taking still another step back before reaching down to remove her shirt.

He watched her as he slowly removed his boots and socks, unable to resist quirking a smile as she bent over, tugging her own socks off. She removed her bra next, then pulled the pins from her hair; by the time she was done he’d moved to her, determined to kiss the knowing smile from her lips.

It didn’t work, but not for want of trying on his part. She was still smiling when they reached the bed, her lips a deep glistening red, her cheeks tinged with pink. Her eyes sparkled as she watched him reach down and remove his jeans and his pants, her gaze lingering on his chest, then drifting lower and staying there as she reached down to remove her own jeans. Her knickers were the last bit of clothing to go, the scrap of lace tossed aside with abandon.

“Bed, Eli.”

“Who am I to argue?” He reached to her, pulling her against him for a kiss, shivering as he felt the full press of her naked body against his.

He lowered her to the bed-or maybe she pulled him with her-and he felt Ruby’s lips curve into a smile as they landed on the soft surface. They broke their kiss long enough to turn back to the coverlet then scoot up the bed, her hands ghosting across his arms as his fingers danced down her sides, both of them reluctant to be separated. She gave him a quizzical look when, instead of covering her body with his he instead lay down beside her; by way of response he reached over, pulling her to him for a kiss.

“I want to watch you,” he whispered, his lips millimetres from hers, his eyes fluttering open.

Her eyebrows furrowed briefly before her smile broadened. “You want me on top?”

“Yes.” It was a rare thing for them, at least in the year they’d been sleeping together. He’d often be on top of or behind her when they had sex; were he so inclined he could count the number of times she’d been on top of him when she came on one hand. But this time, in the gorgeous diffuse light of a snowy winter day, he wanted to see her above him, watch as she rode him to their orgasm.

She rocked forward, kissing him fiercely, catching him by surprise. Her fingers slid across his stomach, her hand finding his erection and wrapping it in a firm grip before she stroked upwards, then slammed her fist down. He arched against her, a groan escaping his throat, followed by a sigh as she repeated the action.

She didn’t say anything when she pulled back from their kiss, but instead watched as she worked him, her hand twisting and tightening and releasing as it moved across his cock, his orgasm slowly building as he fought to hold her gaze. He was so close to speaking, to begging her to stop tormenting him when she finally took mercy on him, releasing him before sliding her leg across and straddling him.

He’d clenched the duvet at some point during her ministrations and released it as he fought to catch his breath. “Ruby...”

“Shhh.” She leaned forward, making sure to drag her breasts across his chest as she arched her hips away from his. “I’m going to make you wish we did this more often.” With that she kissed him, somehow managing to guide him into her as she rocked down without breaking contact. He fought to stay on his back, to let her do whatever she wanted to him; and he finally relaxed enough to realise he really was enjoying what she was doing.

She moved against him, hitching her hips as she pulled away so he almost slid fully out, then arching so he was buried fully in her. As she moved her breasts danced against his chest, her nipples tracing sharp lines against his skin. Her tongue swept against his in long, loving strokes, and he realised he was terribly close to orgasm just before it exploded through him. He pulled back, gasping, almost shaking as he released into Ruby, her body still moving against his, her pants becoming shorter as she drove herself to her own release, her body straightening as she rode him. He opened his eyes once the brilliant white of the orgasm had faded and actually groaned at the image above him.

Her back was arched, her head thrown back and her mouth slightly open; her hands had slid to her breasts, pinching and teasing and pulling as she rocked faster. Sweat covered her body, trickling in a tantalising line between her breasts, and her hair was a glorious mess.

He reached up, his hands finding hers, matching the movements of her own. She began to make soft noises, little whimpers that showed she was close to coming, and he drifted a hand down to where she slid against his skin.

It took only a few flicks of his fingers against her clit for her to reach her orgasm, Ruby clenching around his as she bit her lip, her hips rocking violently into his. As she slowed he drifted his hands to her thighs, gently stroking her skin as she slowly blinked her eyes open.

He shifted, pushing himself up onto his elbows, then bracing himself upright, his weight resting on his left hand as his right cupped her cheek. “You, my love, are brilliant,” he whispered, guiding her to him for a slow, gentle kiss. “But next time, you come first.”

She laughed softly, resting her forehead against his. “I couldn’t resist.”

“It’s nae complaint from me.”


They rested peacefully for a moment, Elias conveniently ignoring the slow tingling sensation building in his arm as circulation slowly diminished.

“Can we do that again?” Ruby finally asked, her fingers ghosting across the stubble covering his jaw.

He lost himself for a moment in the lovely feeling, the rasp of her soft skin against his beard, then opened his eyes to answer her. “Any time you want.”

Her lips curved into a smile, and she wiggled against him. “Soon.”

“So randy, Mrs. McCoy.”

“If you weren’t so bloody brilliant in bed, it wouldn’t be a problem.”

“I have my partner to thank for that; she seems to bring out the best in me.” He gave Ruby what he was certain was a loopy grin, which she returned.

They shifted after a few more moments, his left arm finally starting to give as it fell completely asleep. He would have been happy to snuggle under the covers with Ruby and doze; she, however, seemed to have another idea.

“Is that a bath?” She’d stood, and was peering curiously into the loo.

“Aye. Should be, at any rate.” He rubbed his arm, hoping to encourage the pins and needles to go away more quickly.

Ruby walked over to him, her hips gently swaying. “Can we use it?”

“Are you suggesting we share a bath?”

“I’m suggesting exactly that.”

He paused, contemplating the idea. They’d never shared a bath before, both of them having showers at home. It could be an interesting experience...

Ruby gave him a slow smile then turned to walk to the loo, her naked backside proving too tempting to resist. He stood, and followed her into the bathroom.

The room was almost as lovely as his beloved wet room, all tile and warm colours and porcelain. The bath was designed for two and they were soon sunk into the warm water, a gentle layer of bubbles floating on the surface.

“How is it we’ve never done this before?” Ruby asked, gazing around them curiously.

“We’ve showers.”

“Not at the new place.”

“No, indeed not.” Their new flat lacked a wet room, true, but it did have a larger bathroom than either of them had had in their previous flats-as well as a proper bath.

“We’ll have to try it out at home.”

Home. He grinned, the realisation that they would be living together, always, washing through him. “Aye.”

She gently splashed him, smiling.

“I cannae believe we’re married. Finally.”

“Finally?” She arched an eyebrow, relaxing against her end of the tub.

“Finally.” He sighed, his head resting on the porcelain. “Seems a bit anticlimactic.”

“Such a romantic, you.” Ruby’s voice was bemused.

“I didnae mean that.” He raised his head and smiled. “I still get a bit giddy thinking of what it means, getting married. I just meant that after all of that build-up and worry and rushing, now suddenly it’s quiet. Just us.”

“Just us,” she echoed softly. She traced a pattern in the bubbles, watching the motion of her finger before looking back up to him. “I’m scared.”

“Of what?”

“What if we live together and hate each other?”

He leaned forward, capturing her hand, holding her gaze. “We won’t hate each other.”

Her eyes dropped back to the surface of the water. “But what if-”

“Ruby.” He drew her attention back to him. “I cannot find a way to express how mad I am for you. Still. I can’t think of that changing-not soon, not ever.” He moved, not caring that the water sloshed over the side of the tub as he shifted. “C’mere.” He patted the water before him, encouraging her to rest against his chest. She moved, sighing as she leaned back, her hands finding his and wrapping them around her.

“My mum warned me I’d panic at some point,” she murmured, her head resting on his shoulder.

“I’d have been surprised if neither of us did.”

“You seem remarkably phlegmatic about it.”

“I had my panic attack about two weeks ago. On the phone with my mum.”

“What, really?” She turned, glancing up at him.

“Really. I was utterly terrified I’d made the wrong choice, to ask you to marry me so soon, and that you’d wake up today and realise you wanted a divorce. Mum told me to stop being a bleeding eejit and that I was experiencing something commonly known as ‘cold feet’.”

“I’m glad it wasn’t just me,” she laughed weakly.

“Hardly.” He brushed a kiss across her hair.

“I’m also glad your mum talked some sense into you.”

“I suspect she probably was as well. Once she got past the shock of my actually listening to her, that is.”

Ruby’s laugh this time was deeper and much happier. “She asked me about five times if I knew what I was truly in for with you.”

“I can only imagine.”

“I told her I did, but I’m pretty sure she still didn’t believe me.”

“Mum delights in reminding people of the raconteur her son turned into.”

“She called you headstrong.”

“And what do you think?”

She paused, thinking, then a grin slowly overspread her features. “I think, Mr. McCoy, that while you can be headstrong, you remain utterly charming.”

He guffawed, and splashed his wife.

~ - ~

Chapter Nineteen

how things began, elias mccoy, ruby

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