Lupercalia (1/1)

Feb 15, 2010 08:46

Title: Lupercalia
Author: jlrpuck
Pairing: Ruby Quarles, Elias McCoy
Disclaimer: The characters contained in this story are the products of my imagination; as such, I retain all right to and ownership of them.
Summary: Elias McCoy and Ruby Quarles celebrate their first Lupercalia as a couple.
Notes: My apologies for not posting Chapter 18 today. First, it occurred to me that this story would best be posted on Lupercalia proper, and there was no way I was going to wait another year to do that. Second, this actually fits rather well with Chapter 17 of HTB, even if it is a bit of a hiccup.

Many thanks to
ginamak and
chicklet73 for their usual - fantastic - beta services. Any mistakes in this story are mine, and mine alone.

Oh--and Happy President's Day :)

Elias was unusually shy as he asked her, one evening over dinner, “Did you want to celebrate Lupercalia?”

Ruby glanced up, surprised more by the tone than the question. “That’s ages away, surely?”

He gave her a small smile. “It’s in a week.”

She frowned, her mind racing with all of the things which needed to be done. If Lupercalia was only a week away, then their wedding was even closer than she’d thought. Which of course she knew, looking at the date on the calendar every day-but which she’d still somehow managed to forget.

“Are you working?” She brought herself back to the present, focusing on Elias as he leaned back in his chair. The flat was filled with half-packed boxes, each one neatly stacked in a place that meant Elias could go to it unhesitatingly if he needed something. She’d not even thought about packing yet, trusting that she’d manage to find the time to do so at some point in the next three weeks. She just had to squeeze time in after work, before she came over to Elias’s.

“That morning I am, yes.” His eyes were full of laughter as he leaned forward. “Do you know what your schedule will be, yet?”

“I’m sure I have it somewhere,” she sighed, tilting her head back and rubbing her eyes. There was so much to do, and so little time; how was she going to get everything done?

She felt Elias’s hands on her shoulders, and let out a soft sound of contentment as he began to gently knead her shoulders with his fingers. She tilted her head against his wrist, and murmured, “It’d be nice to do something.”

“Aye.” His hands stilled and he brushed a kiss over her forehead. “But we don’t have to. There will be more.”

She smiled at that, her hand slipping to cover his. “Of course we should celebrate it. Isn’t that the entire point of the holiday?”

Elias was gazing down at her as she tilted her head fully back, looking up at him. She saw his lips quirk, and knew what he was going to say almost before he said it. “If by celebrate you mean take delight in knowing each other intimately, I say yes.”

“As if we need a holiday for that,” she scoffed, grinning up at him.

“I understand there might also be parties affiliated with the celebrations. And I know you enjoy going out with your friends.”

“And as my friends seem to also like you…” She squeezed his hand. “Bruce and Kerys both left me messages to ring them back-I’d wager they’re both looking for us to join a party.”

Elias leaned down once more, bending to place a kiss against her exposed neck. “Then ring them back and say we’ll go.”

“What, to both?”

“We can party hop and get pleasantly drunk. And then we can come back here and have sex all night.” His lips danced across her skin, and her hands slid to his hair as he moved around to face her.

“Right,” she murmured, leaning up to kiss him.

~ - ~

Elias was released from duty well before her on Lupercalia and so was almost ready to leave by the time she arrived at his flat that evening. She couldn’t help but stop in the doorway upon seeing him, her purse sliding from her hand as she noted just how much skin he was showing. They’d both agreed to wear togas, in the spirit of the festival; Elias had wanted her to wear her bikini underneath, too, but she’d finally talked him out of that by pointing out it’d be easier to strip down if she didn’t wear it. While the cloth she’d drape around her body was a snowy white-the traditional colour for virgins and married women who’d not borne children-Elias was wearing a gorgeous deep green, marking him as both a man of honour and her protector. She’d rather hoped he’d opt for the scarlet-the traditional colour for luck at festival time, and a colour which would let everyone know that they had some major life event looming on the horizon-but he looked so good in the green that the disappointment was short-lived.

“You’re almost ready,” she whispered, watching him as he moved around the foot of his bed. He looked gorgeous in the rich jewel tone, and she had the thought that it was something he really needed to wear more often.

“I am.” He moved to her, leaning down for a kiss. “Thought I might make us a quick snack while you got ready-so we don’t get too tipsy too quickly. You know how the mulled wine can be.” He winked.

“You won’t get your costume dirty?”

“No.” He glanced down, brushing away an invisible speck of lint. She reached forward, her fingertips brushing across the fabric, the cotton sliding smoothly under her skin as she drew a slow line down his chest.

She watched him as her fingers explored his toga, then drifted across his bare skin; as his eyes darkened, his attention locking entirely on her. She knew that look-knew that it meant they’d never make it out of the flat if she didn’t stop-and so she finally stepped away, her hand dropping to her side. “I need to get ready,” she whispered, trying to catch her breath.

“Aye.” He watched her for another few moments, making her wonder if he’d shag her anyway. And then he shook his head lightly, a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth. “Ye seductress.”

“I can’t help myself.” She leaned up and dropped a kiss on his cheek, and then moved over to the coat hanger holding the fabric for her own toga. The following year she might invest in a stola-assuming they celebrated the holiday in full form-but for now she was presented with yards of white cotton, purchased a few years earlier on a whim at one of the post-holiday sales. The fabric wasn’t nearly so fine as Elias’s, but it was certainly spotless, and she took her time in wrapping and draping the fabric around her body. Elias was in the kitchen area, moving around; but every now and then she’d catch him paused, watching her as she turned or twisted or started over again, stripping down once more to her knickers. Her bra would have to stay on the bed that night, the article of clothing simply not an option with the toga, but she strongly suspected Elias wouldn’t mind in the least.

She was finally dressed and focused on pulling her hair back, twisting it up into a loose chignon in the traditional style, taking care to make sure a few tendrils hung loose to frame her face or draw attention to the nape of her neck. Her makeup was next, just a quick touch-up of what she’d worn to work, and then she finally moved to join Elias where he stood at his counter, two small plates in front of him next to two glasses of red wine.

“Drinking before we go, then?” she teased, reaching for her glass.

“In the spirit of the holiday.” His eyes were almost black, and glittered as he raised his own glass to clink hers. “To finding a mate,” he whispered, watching her as he took a sip of the drink.

“To my mate.” She took a small drink from her glass, her eyes never leaving Elias.

Their snack was suffused with tension, both of them watching each other, their arms brushing as they had the fruit Elias had prepared, her eyes locking on his lips as he took a drink of wine then immediately licked them. She wanted to shag him in the flat, then strip him out of his toga and shag him again, and was very, very close to suggesting they skip the parties that night and simply get on with making love to each other.

Elias, however, seemed to relish teasing her, and being teased, and she resigned herself to a night of being very, very uncomfortable; of thinking filthy thoughts about Elias as she tried to make small talk in a room full of friends and acquaintances.

“Are you done?” Elias asked, voice low, once her plate was clear.

“I think so, yes.”

He gave her a slow smile. “And your wine?”

She glanced to her glass, then over to Elias’s. His was empty, and she took a long, deep drink of her own to drain it. “Done.” She licked her lips slowly, then chased the moisture with her fingertip. She was rewarded by Elias clinking the glasses together rather hard, and turned away from him with a smile.

She’d chosen to wear heels that night, a present of sorts for Elias who often complained that she didn’t wear high heels nearly often enough. She knew she’d be regretting it almost as soon as they were out of the building; but she also knew that she and Elias had the next day off, together, and she’d most likely be spending the majority of the day in bed. She might even get a foot massage out of it, if Elias was feeling particularly generous.

He cleaned the dishes as she pulled on her shoes, contorting herself to secure the straps around the ankles before finally straightening with a wince. She stood, teetering briefly, then moved to the mirror to double-check her toga once more.

“You’re lovely.” Elias murmured the words from across the room, watching her as he stood by his line of shoes.

“Thank you.” She slowly crossed to him, pausing only long enough to reach into her purse and pull out the tiny wrist bag she’d use for her ID and cash. “You look pretty stunning yourself.”

“Thank you.”

She couldn’t help herself; she leaned up and into him, her lips pressing lightly against his in a gentle kiss. Her hand braced on his chest, and then slid down as she rocked back. “Shall we go out?”

“Aye.” His voice was rough, and his hand traced around her waist as she turned to the door.

She turned the bolt, his hand resting at the small of her back; and then she felt the press of his lips against her bare shoulder, his nose gently brushing along her skin as he moved to place a second kiss next to the first. She felt a twinge in her womb, followed by a throbbing between her legs, and her suspicion that they’d not be going out at all grew.

“Eli,” she whispered, pausing as he brought both hands to rest on her hips.

“I love you,” he whispered, brushing another kiss across her shoulder.

She sighed, relaxing back against him, her head tilting to rest against his shoulder so he could kiss her shoulder. “Elias,” she murmured, turning her chin to give him better access.

His left hand came up, ghosting down the bare skin of her arm, his fingers eventually twining with hers as he continued to blaze a slow trail of kisses along her shoulder. “I want you, Ruby” he murmured as he reached the curve of her neck, his free hand sliding across her stomach to hold her against him.

“Yes,” she whispered, feeling his erection press into her backside. She tried to turn, was held in place by Elias’s hand; he drifted his nose along her jaw, then drew her earlobe into his mouth and sucked gently. “Please,” she added softly, her need for him growing exponentially.

“Please what?” He brought their joined hands to her breast, and began to trace patterns around her hardened nipple as he slowly rocked against her.

“Let’s not go out.” She hissed as he pressed their flattened palms across her breast now, rubbing in a hard, slow circle.

“And what shall we do instead?” His low murmuring was doing almost as much to get her wet as his touches were, and she shifted against him.

“Sex,” she ground out as he bucked against her.

He rewarded her by moving their joined hands under the folds of her toga, slipping their fingers down to her bare breast, his fingers laced with hers dancing across the peaked flesh there. She groaned at the touch, the sensation, and braced her free hand against the door before her.

“Shh,” Elias whispered, his breath hot against her ear. “The neighbours will hear.”

She bit her lip as he chose that moment to tweak her nipple, his mouth curving in a smile against her skin.

The hand which had been flattened against her stomach finally slid down, gently pulling the fabric of her toga up until he was able to reach underneath it. She couldn’t help the groan which escaped as his fingers finally pressed against the damp cotton, rubbing her in just the right way; he in turn grew more forceful, his hand pressing sharply upwards against her wetness.

“You need to be quiet, Ruby,” he growled against her ear, his hands vanishing briefly as she felt him shift behind her. “Need to find a way to keep from shouting as I make love to you. Take your knickers off.” He stepped back-not enough for her to turn, but just enough for her to shimmy out of her knickers, kicking them aside before hiking her toga around her waist. He was moving behind her, and then she felt his warm hands on the bare skin of her hips, his hard cock sliding across her bum before being trapped between them. He leaned in with one more word of direction. “I want you to use your hands on yourself while I shag you.”

She turned her head, finding his mouth and kissing him as fervently as she could. One of his hands found hers and guided it to her breast; his other then found her free hand and guided it to the slickness between her legs, pressing her fingers into the folds there. Once he was sure she was doing as he asked he removed his hands, sliding them between them so he could take his cock in hand.

She had to break their kiss, arching her back so he could press forward into her, the rough hair at the base of his erection finally brushing fully against her opening. She hissed at the sensation, pausing in her ministrations; he then slowly pulled back, refusing to press into her again until he saw her hands moving against her body once more.

She finally had to brace a hand against the wall, her legs splayed and back arched as Elias rocked into her from behind, the fingers of her free hand rubbing her clit, and sometimes sliding back to brush against Elias’s slick erection as he moved in and out of her. He rocked against her harder and harder, letting out little grunts as he’d slam home, taking a deep breath as he pulled out; she began to match his rhythm with her hand, her thumb flicking against the nub of her swollen clit as her fingers teased him where he was joined with her.

He came first, triggering her own release, and she was shaking with the effort of not shouting his name as he continued to shag her hard throughout their orgasms. And then he finally slowed, ending by burying himself fully in her as his hands wrapped around her stomach, holding her flush against him. She straightened, shakily; he brought a hand to rest across her sternum, supporting her as she slumped back against him.

“I love you,” he whispered as he placed a single, gentle kiss at the curve of her neck.

She sighed happily, her head resting now against his shoulder. Her toga was a mess, as was her hair, but she didn’t care. In fact, she’d quite happily shed the toga and take down her hair, if it meant Elias would shag her like that again.

“Penny for your thoughts?” he asked when she remained quiet.

“How long until we can do that again?” She glanced at him, smiling slowly as he processed her question.

“You like it from behind, then?” His expression held quiet delight.

“Mmm. I like sex with you no matter what.” She wiggled against him, giggling at the sensation of him still inside of her. “And shagging is the appropriate celebration of the day.”

He drifted the side of his hand between her breasts, then flattened his palm against the bare skin of her lower belly. “You didn’t answer the question, my love.” His voice held a hint of darkness now-a sure sign he’d be happy to be in charge for their next bout of lovemaking, as well.

She felt desire begin to slowly pool within her anew. “I love it,” she replied slowly, her hand reaching up to pull him down for a kiss. “But let’s change it up next time.”

“How so?” He refused to let her close the gap, his glittering eyes locked on hers.

She clenched her inner walls around him, and was rewarded by the feel of a shudder passing through his body. He was still soft, though, and would be for a while. “Let’s work that out after we’re both naked again, hm?”

“A capital idea.”

They didn’t make it to either party that night.

~ fin ~

elias mccoy, ruby

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