Title- And So Things Go (15/34)
Author- jlrpuck
Rating -
Pairing - Peter Carlisle/Rose Tyler
Disclaimer - Characters from Blackpool and Doctor Who are the property of the BBC, and are used with the greatest of love and respect; no profit is intended from the writing or sharing of this story.
Summary - The story of how Peter Carlisle moved to
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Comments 176
Of course Rose couldn't keep her secret of a getaway from him, but that's what makes this so believable and adds extra charm -- after all, he didn't know where they were going.
Oh, and seeing Rose break -- she tried so hard to stay calm. Oh dear.
Poor Penny had three weeks of Williams, et al, pouring nothing but Peter-related negativity into his ear. Add to that the fact that he's been ridiculously busy, and has been told that Peter's holdingh him back and is a detriment to his career...well, even the loyalest of friends would perhaps strain under such a burden.
Of course Rose couldn't keep her secret of a getaway from him, but that's what makes this so believable and adds extra charm
He is, after all, a detective... ;)
OOOOHHH!. I hate seeing Peter in a mood like this-It makes me want to cry. It's so good they are together again and they definately needed to have that conversation, but at the end when he's trying to reassure himself as well as Rose....It broke me.
Awwwwww I want jump into this story and give Peter a big hug.
I hate seeing Peter in a mood like this
He's had a really rough go of it, in spite of making friends--and he can *finally* unburden himself. Poor Peter!
An excellent chapter. I love that you don't hold back when it comes to realistic emotional repercussions. I love that you followed through about the poisonous environment at North Lakes, with Penny suddenly wary and distant after Peter's absence of only three weeks. I love that Peter is obviously so depressed, having finally experienced a good working relationship--I hate it for him, but it was the right way to go. And I love the full spectrum of Rose's emotions, from being so eager to see him, anxious for him, and furious at him when she learns of how close he came to being hurt or killed.
Is it Thursday yet?
You're getting up ridiculously early, and have to be able to *work* ridiculously early. I don't know how you do it, honestly.
An excellent chapter.
Thank you. For all of it.
Is it Thursday yet?
Don't I wish! This week is going to draaaaaaag.
First reaction: Penny! WTH? What on earth happened to you?
“Stop ‘sir’-ing me-it’s ridiculous. ‘Peter’. Or ‘Carlisle’. ‘Bastard’ has been known to work, as well.”
Such a funny line and yet so telling, both about the NCL and about Peter's life in general. Your heart just goes out to him.
He sounded so down, so certain that he was terrible at his job; she wondered, briefly, if he was suffering depression.Who? Peter? No...Never ( ... )
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