I want my Pacific DVD ~

Aug 15, 2008 08:12

I love NewS and I love Arashi, but I watched the Pacific Tour MC (subbed by the wonderful
newshfan ) from the perspective of an Arashi fan, and it was wicked funny seeing Sho and Nino in the roles of the quirky, offbeat (and somewhat intimidating) sempai. For once.

They enjoy coercing kouhai into doing random things in their own concerts; freaking them out with their own, peculiar brand of member-ai; and using sickening endearments like Tomo-chan. XD  
They are the senpai you oughta stay away from if you value looking cool, dignified, and manly.

I feel for Massu, Ryo, and Pi. 8 ]

The two of them also had to work extra hard not to steal the whole MC, because Sho slips too easily into MC mode.「ちょっと待って、俺しゃべりすぎ!」

...And then there was Sho's fail rendition of Weeeek.
...And Sho and Nino doing their spontaneous fail dance while News Nippon soared in the background... normally, I would be embarrassed for any guests subject to this, but since Arashi has made a career out of failing, this was par for the course.

Seriously, I need this DVD like right now.
I can't wait to see the rest of it and enjoy all the NewS-ness of it. It's been too long since Never Ending Wonderful Story...

But it's coming together with Arashi Alive, and that doesn't come out till September asdfjkl;...

concerts, news, arashi

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