[Translation] Hatenai Sora PV Making-Of

Nov 07, 2010 02:55

It's been awhile, but I managed to dig myself out of my work to watch this awesome Making-of.

We all know by now that Arashi is really good at giving pitch-perfect, camera-ready answers, right? Well, this video throws all of that out the window by undermining their conventional answers and prompting to say what they really think.

I mean, the video actually starts out with the following warning:

This Making-Of DVD may contain remarks or actions that seem inappropriate for Arashi. Please treat them as part of the production. Thank you, and enjoy the video.

So obviously, there's PURE GOLD waiting for us in this video.


Cam: You’re the center. How do you feel, being the center?
Nino: You’re wrong. The real center is all of us. I’m just the center of this formation. The cameramen and the lighting people wanted me in a spot where I can be easily seen. But really, everyone’s the center.
Cam: [How do you actually feel?]
Nino: I’m totally the center.


Cam: So this is the set this time.
Ohno: Yes.
Cam: It looks like a lot of different concepts went into the creation of it. What do you think they wanted to convey?
Ohno: Well. Well, that the sky is wide. And that when the door opens, your future is there waiting for you. Mm. That’s the kind of feeling you get. Like, don’t just stay trapped, try to open the door. And when you do, you’ll see a beautiful - wait, you can’t see it anymore.

Jun: All your experiences, your worries, your thoughts, are trapped by this wall. You’ve got to escape from them and live freely. You’ve got to walk towards the endless sky. That’s the message of the song.
Cam: That’s the concept of the set?
Jun: Yeah.
Cam: [But the truth is?]
Jun: Well, this is all just the way I imagine it.

Aiba: This… how should I put it? This blue space here really soothes you. Yup. And then this great magical portal just opens for you.
Cam: A magical portal?
Aiba: Yeah. And on the other side, where there’s a sunset? There are spirits living there. And if you open the door, there will be chaos. That’s the story.
Cam: [But the truth is?]
Aiba: The truth is, I wasn’t listening when they talked about it. What is this supposed to be, anyway?

Nino: I think it’s asking you where your real home is.
Cam: Where your real home is?
Nino: In other words, where is the future you’re meant to live? This endless…door.
Cam: Door.
Nino: Yes. It’s written as ‘sky’, but I see it as a door.

Sho: When that door opens, your friends are with you. You’ll realize that you’re not alone over there. That’s why everyone should go through the door. Together with your friends and everyone. So go. Let’s go. …Get me my costume.

Jun: Leader is looking good today.
Leader, you’re looking good.
Ohno: *giggle*
Jun: Your bangs are cute. Aren’t they? I like them. His hair looks good today.
Cute, right? And this guy is thirty!

Jun: It’s good!
Ohno: Really?
Jun: Yes, it’s cute. Really cute.
Jun: *takes picture*
Jun: See, you’re cute!
Ohno: Gross!

Cam: Even now, between takes for your promotion video, I see everyone in Arashi is working hard.
Aiba: Yeah, we can’t think about anything but work.
Sho: We haven’t been like this until recently though, huh?
Cam: [But the truth is?]
Sho: Half of that was the truth!
Aiba: Even when I think I’m taking a break, I end up working.
Sho: That’s what they told me at the end of last year, too.
Aiba: Really? You mean you end up working through your breaks, too?
Sho: Mm.
Aiba: But they told you it’s better to rest?
Sho: Mm.
Aiba: We should rest, right?
Sakuraiba: *high five!*
Sakuraiba: *naps*
Cam: …Right now?

Ohno’s drawing: Title - Arashi. “I’m the real Arashi”
Nino: That’s not the greatest title.
Ohno’s drawing: “I’m Arashi’s Ninomiya Kazunari.”
Ohno: I’m Arashi’s Ninomiya Kazunari.
Nino: Stop it.
Ohno: *laugh*
Nino: Stop it!
Ohno: This face…
Nino: I don’t have this face! What IS this?
Ohno: Lift this part up a bit. Oooh, it looks like you!
Nino: It does not!
Ohno: Looks exactly like you.
Nino: I don’t have a hat like that.
Nino writes: “No, I’m the real Ninomiya Kazunari.”

Ohno: It’s perfect. “No, I’m the real Ninomiya Kazunari” -- I should capitalize that. “No, I’M the real Ninomiya Kazunari.”
Nino: Nothing has changed in this one!
Ohno: But he’s thrown open his arms and everything.
Nino: Let me see.
Ohno: What do you think? Wouldn’t it be better to say, “No, I’M the REAL Ninomiya Kazunari”?
Aiba: Either way seems fine to me.
Ohno: But if he’s in this pose…
Nino: But it hasn’t changed from before!

Cam: Aiba-san. Do you know what number single is this?
Aiba: This one? In total? … … … Yeah, I know. Do you want to know?
Cam: That’s what I’m asking you.
Aiba: Oh you are?
Cam: What number single is this?
Aiba: Thirty….. ….. ….. one.Thirty-first single. “Endless Sky” - now on sale!
Cam: Actually, it’s your thirty-fourth.
Aiba: Is it??
Aiba: To tell the truth, I haven’t really paid attention to the number of singles we’ve done.
Cam: Ah, so every time you do one…
Aiba: Yeah. I try to enjoy each and every one. It’s not like it’s because this is the nth single that I’m working hard. But that’s the way it should be, right? As an entertainer.
Cam: [But the truth is?]
Aiba: The truth? The truth is that I simply forgot. So we’ve released thirty-four singles, huh?

Sho: This is a song about falling and getting back up over and over again. For sure. About hope…
Cam: [So, essentially?]
Sho: It’s the theme song for Nino’s drama. When you boil it down, that’s what it really is.

Nino: Well, he’s not wrong about that. But if we say it that way, it comes across all wrong. This song is really supposed to be uplifting, encouraging people not to give up on their dreams and to always keep trying.
Cam: [So, essentially?]
Nino: It’s a theme song. It’s the theme song for my drama.


Director: Cut! That’s good, thank you.
Sho: Thank you!
Staff: Thank you.
Director: Next up is Ninomiya-san, can we get him on standby, please.

Sho: For the first cut, I decided to try closing my eyes. I wanted to suggest that I’m lost in my thoughts.
Cam: [Is that the real reason?]
Sho: The real reason? The wind was so strong that my eyes had gone dry.


Aiba: Whoops, I sang Nino’s solo again! “Let’s start again~n” That’s exactly what I’ll do. Let’s start again!

[Aiba sings]

[Ohno sings]

Cam: Were you able to express what you wanted to express?
Ohno: Yes, I think so. I went last, right? So I spent my time working up the right frame of mind.
Cam: You were working on your mindset?
Ohno: Yeah. I could hear the song from inside the dressing room. So I spent the whole time imagining how I would sing it. I think I spent an hour on it. Or was it more? I was thinking about this the whole time, so I was able to do it exactly the way I planned to.
Cam: Weren’t you reading manga up there?
Ohno: Oh, were you fooled by that? That was just my cover.
Cam: And weren’t you eating, too?
Ohno: I did eat, but! Honestly, I don’t really remember what I was eating. Yup.
Cam: But honestly, the curry was good, right?
Ohno: The curry was excellent.
Cam: So you do remember what you ate.
Ohno: Well, it was really interesting there. I was the only one who didn’t screw up…

Aiba: I’m going to walk like I’m walking towards home. Like I’m almost there.
Direction: Okay, cut! Once more, please!
Cam: Aiba-san. Apparently, you’re not walking home. You’re supposed to be walking towards tomorrow.
Aiba: Seriously? Tomorrow? So: yesterday, tomorrow? ... Chiba?
Cam: You’re not walking home.
Aiba: Okay, got it. Not walking home.
Cam: Tomorrow.
Aiba: Tomorrow.

[Aiba walks]

Nino: Finally got that done.
Sho: What was hard about it?
Nino: It wasn’t exactly hard, I guess. They told me to stand up, look at the camera, and then walk. It was just….
Aiba: You didn’t have a goal, right?
Nino: What? A goal?
Aiba: Yeah. What were you walking towards? That’s your biggest problem.
Nino: The director just told me to walk towards the light.
Aiba: He told you to walk towards the light? Did he say that? Replay that conversation. He just said to ‘walk’, didn’t he? Did he really say ‘the light’?
Nino: Yes
Aiba: Really?
Nino: Do this, stand up with resolve, look at the camera, and then turn and walk towards the light.
Sho: But all he meant was to walk towards the part of the studio that was shining lights out, right?
Nino: Yeah.
Sho: Aiba-san had a different goal, I think.
Aiba: It’s a matter of your mindset!
Nino: My mindset.
Sho: What do you mean?
Aiba: I wish I’d told him. If I had told him, he would’ve been able to wrap it in one take. The trick is to walk towards ‘Tomorrow’. Then you’ll get it right away. I started out with the wrong mindset.
Nino: But even with the wrong mindset, I got it down in two takes.
Aiba: You did it in two takes? That’s faster than me!
Sho: Maybe walking towards ‘tomorrow’ was the wrong method.

Jun: It’s for episode nine.
Nino: Dramas are hard. You have to memorize lines and do tests. And that’s before doing the actual shoot. It’s hard.
Nino: The probability is going up. If episode four is number 10, then episode one must be… huh? Huh? That’s not right. Episode two.
*reads 101*
Jun: I don’t think it makes a difference.
Nino: I guess so.
Jun: I mean, the contents are all the same.
Nino: Well, it’s a script.
Jun: They’re all the same, right?
Cam: [Which number would you really prefer?]
Nino: Number 1
Jun: *shows a 1*
Jun: I didn’t request it, but I guess the staff were really considerate to me.

Director: Okay, cut!

Cam: So, about what you said? When you said that you would bring happiness to 70,000 people?
Jun: Yes, I did say that.
Jun (in concert): Are you guys ready? Okay, the five of us will bring all 70,000 of you happiness.
Cam: In this world, it’s likely that we may never be able to bring happiness to even one person. So I was wondering if a man like Matsumoto Jun would have any advice for a man like me.
Jun: I don’t think it’s about whether you bring happiness or not. It’s about whether you want to do it or not. It’s about your feelings. Of course, it would be great if you did.
Cam: So the important thing is to want to bring happiness.
Jun: Whether you can achieve it or not… well, ideally, it’s best if you could. But the most important thing is that you’re ready to do it, you want to do it, and you’re determined to do it.
Cam: So with those feelings…?
Jun: Yes. I want to tell them that that’s the kind of resolve I’m performing with.
Can: So if you go into it with those feelings, you will succeed in bringing them happiness?
Jun: That’s a separate issue. I think. It’s not about the numbers. You can’t assume that if you can bring happiness to 70,000 people that you can do it for one person.
Cam: Incidentally, are you confident that you make 70,000 people happy?
Jun: The probably depends on the person. For me, I’m happy if they’re having fun.
Cam: [But honestly?]
Jun: Honestly? Well, 60,000 people were happy today.

Cam: By the way, the question just now? When I asked Ninomiya-san, he mentioned three ‘fukuros’ or something like that I had no idea what he was saying.
Jun: Uh-huh…

Nino: I think you need to capture the three ‘fukuros’ in advance.
Cam: What do you mean exactly?
Nino: What I want to say is, you should take hold of them before they take hold of you.
Cam: What’s the first thing?
Nino: Ibukuro (“stomach”)
Cam: So you have to cook.
Nino: Yeah.
Cam: And the second?
Nino: The second?
Cam: Well you said there are three things.
Nino: Ofukuro? (“your mother”)
Cam: Um. Can you stop answering my questions with questions?
Nino: The three fukuros. I guess I’ll explain them in the next PV.

Jun: He’s dragging this out, huh? I mean, this is the last single of the year.

Director: Okay, cut!
Staff: Checking time.
Staff: It’s okay!
Director: Okay!
Staff: Thank you very much!
Staff: Ninomiya-san has finished his part.
Nino: Thank you very much.
Staff: Thank you for your work.

Cam: So what were you running towards?
Nino: I don’t want to say it, but… Glory, I guess?
Cam: [What were you really running towards?]
Nino: My own house.

Director: Okay, cut! Thank you very much.
Staff: Sakurai-san is done for today.
Sho: Thank you very much.

Sho: Crank-in for filming starts tomorrow.
Sho: I’m ready to burst.
Cam: Burst?
Sho: I’m ready to burst.
Cam: That’s a really strange way to put it.
Sho: That’s true. I think, mentally, I’m trying to hem myself in. “Burst” is the right word. For me. The filming will last until the end of October. I’m planning to just corner myself. I mean, I’m going to be cut off from all contact with the outside world for some time. So please don’t call me.
Cam: [Meaning?]
Sho: Well I’ll do this or that. But I think I really need to take a breather.

Aiba: It’s going to start soon. Matsumoto’s Getting-Wet scene. Even in this industry, there are some people who make it just by knowing how to get wet. It’s a skill. So I think it would be helpful to watch the master at work.
Ohno: Even if he gets wet, he’s still Matsumoto Jun, you see. If I got wet, I’d just….be a wet person.
Aiba: All your Arashi-ness would disappear, wouldn’t it?
Ohno: I’d be like…gup gup gup.

[Matsumoto gets wet]

Aiba+Ohno: Ooooooh.
Aiba: I wonder how it feels. We can’t tell from here what the temperature in the studio is.
Aiba: Looks like a miss.
Ohno: Yeah.
Aiba: If he can’t do it in one take, you’ll have to wait behind me.

Director: That’s good, that’s a take.
Jun: That’s it? I can do it again if you want.
Staff: It’s okay! Thank you very much.
Staff: Matsumoto Jun has wrapped for the day!
Staff: Thank you very much! It’s okay!
Jun: Thank you very much!

Jun: When you get to be like me, you’ll be able to do it in one take, too.
Aiba: I knew it.
Ohno: There he goes again. I wonder how it’ll go for me.
Aiba: Probably you’ll have to stay wet for a long time.
Cam: It’s in your nature to be wet.
Aiba: You’ll be so cold!
Jun: Great work, guys.
Aiba: I wonder how much more time this will take? If Leader is going to be wet for awhile maybe I should go home first.
Ohno: We should do this together.
Aiba: Together, right? It’s like a training exercise. We can be like this.

Director: Cut! That’s okay!

Aiba: So I guess I’m going to be all alone now, huh?
Ohno: Good luck, Aiba-san!
Aiba: Bye, Leader!
Ohno: Bye!
Aiba: Don’t catch a cold!
Ohno: Thanks.
Cam: How was it today?
Ohno: Even though it’s been awhile, I felt like we made good time and did a lot today. But as always, it’s hard.
Cam: What is?
Ohno: This job.
Cam: [Is that how you really feel?]
Ohno: Yes.

Ohno: Thank you very much.
Cam: You did a very good Getting-Wet scene.
Ohno: Yeah, I was able to do it in one take. Means I can go home earlier.

Director: Cut!
Aiba: Wow, that looks awesome.
Director: Okay, that’s a wrap!
Aiba: Thank you very much!

Aiba: Thank you very much. I feel like we’ve been together all day long. Thanks.
Cam: I actually have been here all day long.
Aiba: You were?
Cam: Yeah.
Aiba: Okay, next time I’ll take it easy, then.
Cam: Thanks for your hard work today!
Aiba: Thank you! See you next time.

Aiba: I forgot to do the most important thing! The “please listen” part.
Aiba: Please listen to our brand new, fresh out of the oven single! Arashi’s… okay, let me try this again!

I think this was pretty much a perfect Making-Of video. It was great to watch all the member-love, but more than that, I loved the fact that they weren't giving those perfect, "There's a deeper meaning behind everything" answers. I mean, sometimes it really IS just, "I forgot" (Aiba), or "My eyes were dry" (Sho).

And sometimes, it's "Fudge everything!" (Ohno) XDDDD

Love and ♥♥♥ forever, Arashi.


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