Intro Blurb

Jun 19, 2012 00:38


Here you will find randomness about me, as well as JE translations for whatever strikes my fancy and whatever I find suitable to my current level of Japanese.

Journal Notes:

All translations will be left Public. If you would like to see the updates here, please freel free to Friend! Any RL-related posts will be Friends-locked. If you want to get to know me, drop me a note on this post or start a conversation. I love meeting new people ^__^

Translation Notes:

is the awesome team I sub for. Please join the community if you're interested in fully-subbed clips and videos.

From time to time I'll do magazine interviews, Shukudai Staff Blogs, or other partial translations here. Since I'm still learning Japanese, though, I don't guarantee perfect accuracy.

General Notes:

1) All translations will be rendered with idiomatic English to the best of my ability.
2) If I have doubts about anything I translate, I will state them.
3) Corrections/Edits/Queries are ALWAYS welcome ^___^

Thanks, and enjoy!~

useless notes

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