Okay, here we go, with links to my first reactions and everything:
- Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone I saw by myself at a noon screening being held by Time magazine. I got up that Saturday morning, read the book in three hours, walked into that screening, came home, and read the other three books over the course of that weekend. I'd owned PS since GoF came out, but couldn't push my way through that Dahl-esque Dursleys bit (too close to the bone). The movie coming out gave me a reason to do it.
- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets was the first real fandom event I went to/helped organize. I had an online gang of friends who stayed in my rather tiny flat, and also a local gang of online/offline friends, and we went to a midnight showing and were ridiculous, and then I hosted a huge party in said tiny flat, during which bhanesidhe drew the art that is in my icon.
- Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban I saw at the the New York premiere at Radio City, and then after that at the PoA IMAX thing in Lincoln Square, another fandom gathering. It is still my favorite. Both times I saw it surrounded by fandom types and that was pretty awesome. My big memory of that is riding in a cab with scrabble talking about the ending of Nocturne Alley.
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire I saw with a big crowd of local folks, and it was either at this screening or at OotP that blackholly infamously said that JKR thinks that falling in love makes you into an asshole.
- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix I saw with at least ziggy1278 and
ali_wildgoose though I don't say who I was there with in my entry, oddly. I'd forgotten that the movie came out just a week before the HP&DH book.
- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince I saw at a matinee either with my roommate aethelflaed2 or with
ali_wildgoose, because by then I'd read HP&DH and checked out of the narrative. Like the book, it reminded me, post-OotP, why I loved the books in the first place, being full of teen hijinx and character moments.
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 I also saw with
aethelflaed2, low key at our local movie theater and somewhat prodded by her, because I did not love that book.
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 I saw last night with
ali_wildgoose and emsariel and hoshizora and aethelflaed2.
I thought the movie was very well made, and the performances were excellent, and the score and music cues were fantastic, especially the swelling of "hero" music for Neville as he wakes up and goes looking for the snake. Dan was great-I love determined!Harry-and Ralph was just prancing enough, and Emma and Rupert were darling, and hey there are Devon and Alfie looking adorable as always, and Matt and Evanna were completely brilliant, as was Tom and Jason and Helen (I love that
zorb referred to them as "peacing out" because they totally were), and of course Alan and Maggie were completely brilliant.
This was the very first 3D movie I've seen, and I thought it did that bit very well, except that I didn't need to see bits of disintegrated Voldemort floating through the air at me like so much dandruff. Mostly it just seemed like they'd done a very good job with lighting people to edge them out from the backgrounds. All of the effects were great because they didn't call attention to themselves, but were in service of the story. Very disciplined and well done.
But in the end the movie reminded me of why I didn't like the book, with their whole it's better to be dead than to be alive thing, so go off and die for a thing, all of it, the whole bit, is borderline offensive to me and best just not discussed. On film the place between life and death reminded me even more of a similar scene in Matrix: Revolutions than it had in the book.
I did love when Harry says, "so I guess I'm a horcrux, and you've known that for a while, Hermione." Emma played that knowledge very well across the course of these two movies. And you know, this is why I love the two of them, this is why I always shipped them, because they are so together. Only one of the books ends with Harry and Ron going off to fix things, but three of them have Harry and Hermione running around together, and then three, of course, have Harry standing alone. In fact, when Harry has that goodbye with Ron and Hermione and goes off to the Forbidden Forest I was reminded of PS/SS, with Ron staying back in one room and Hermione in the next.
Really, though, it was a trio movie. The Ron/Hermione stuff was adorable; the Harry/Ginny stuff was an afterthought. It's too bad they didn't give Ginny more to do, but that was more the book's fault than anything else. Even that final shot cropped her out. And while I know why, it's kind of a drag, mostly that JKR failed to sell that ship.
I love that Seamus got to blow up a bridge. (Clearly if there was a Potter's Eleven he would be Bash.) I love that Neville was badass and that Luna was brilliant and insistent that Harry pay attention to what she had to say. At least the movie went for the Neville/Luna which let's face it, most of us ship and it is adorable. I love Minerva sending off the clay soldiers. I love Aberforth (Ciaran Hinds!) and poor Parvati and Trelawney mourning Lavender!
And Seamus and Dean, together at the end. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
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